TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughter and Pain

In the fall of junior year, I made a mistake. The bell had just rung at 1:57 pm and I walked out of school and got in my car. I decided I had time so I went to Dunkin’ before heading to work because it wasn’t that far out of the way. Once I got there I walked inside to get my food and drink. I hate the drive-thru so I always go inside no matter what. Well once I got inside I waited for 15 minutes just for a medium iced coffee that usually only takes 3 minutes to make. Once I finally got going around 2:20 I was rushing to leave the parking lot and head to work saying “hopefully once I hit Gardiner traffic will be okay so I can make it to work in enough time to change.” (which I might add starts at 3).

I had just passed the town office in Sabattus and saw a car stopped (turns out it was Angela) and waiting to turn onto Furbush road, so I thought “I don’t have time to wait for this car to turn, there’s too much traffic coming the other way” so going 45 mph I passed her on the right (and yes I know that is way too fast to be passing someone and yes I know it is also illegal to pass on the right) but what I didn’t see as I was getting ready to pass is that there was a break in the road with about a foot and a half drop. Once I hit that break my car service lights came on it started beeping immediately and my tire light came on. Automatically I started saying “shoot shoot shoot I’m sorry I’m sorry” I was in no position to stop right away so I drove it to a driveway about 500 feet from where it all happened and parked partly on the side of the road. Once I put my car in park I said to myself “well dang there’s no way I’m making it to work anymore”.

The first thing I did was call my boss and said, “I’m sorry but there’s no way I could make it to work today my car is all sorts of messed up and it won’t be moving for a while”. After that, I broke down crying because I knew this one was going to be an expensive fix and I didn’t have the money to fix it right now. Once I semi gathered myself I called my dad and the first thing I said was “My car is done for”. Once I got done explaining the situation, the first thing my dad says to me once I finish talking is “well way to go dummy” after he hung up I tried to get someone to pick me up but no one would be able to pick me up for at least another 40 minutes, so, naturally I got comfortable in my damaged car and got out the Netflix. I said to myself “welp at least I have some sunflower seeds and plenty of water in the car. Now I just need to find a way to pass the time”. This is the day I discovered my steering wheel had a perfect slot at the bottom where my phone can sit. While I was waiting for someone to come and get me I was laid back watching “The 100” and eating pickle flavored sunflower seeds.

About 20 minutes into all of this happening my adrenaline started to fade then all of a sudden I started getting laughing fits because I was realizing how ridiculous this was and how if I didn’t do one stupid thing I wouldn’t even be in this situation right now. About 45 minutes later my mom arrived with my whole family in the car like this is a side attraction and so I got in her truck and then we sat a the shed company on the other side of the road waiting for AAA. Once we got it towed and back home I was exhausted. To this day I still find it funny. Obviously, at the time it definitely wasn’t but now that I look back at the whole thing I find it pretty funny. To this day my car is still pretty traumatized driving by that spot. Also, I no longer pass on the right so I have definitely learned my lesson.

Photo by Timothy Valentine on / CC BY-NC-SA


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1 Comment

  • eahlberg20
    January 14, 2020 at 4:10 pm 

    DBauer, this is literally hilarious because I can imagine you doing every single thing that you actually did in the moment. Good job explaining everything and rip to your car. Obviously in the moment it wouldn’t be funny but after it is kind of hilarious because your addiction (Dunkin) got you into this mess. Maybe it was a sign that you don’t always need it haha.

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