TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Ask The Dumb Questions

Questions are asked everyday. Mistakes are made everyday from not asking the right questions. Chances are missed from leaving some questions out. Some questions lead to the most unbelievable opportunities. And some questions make up the future. Asking or not asking questions is an everyday impulse everyone possess. I know I ask many questions on a daily basis but for some reason it took me all this time to finally think of an example. Not going to lie I almost made up a story just so I could finish this assignment on time. Luckily a perfect example happened to me this morning. 

As most people know I am not a morning person, I would hands down sleep in and skip my first period class or skip the whole day then make the work up later. It is very difficult for me to drag myself out of bed in the morning but some days I can manage to do it and today was one of those days. About four weeks ago my boyfriend, Sean and I got a seven week old puppy and we both absolutely love this puppy with all of our hearts. We named him Archer. We immediately started to potty train Archer the day we got him and recently he has been doing very good with going to the door or whining when he needs to go out then waiting for one of us to take him. Sean works second shift at BIW so he doesn’t get home till around one one-thirty in the morning which is perfect timing to bring Archer out for a bathroom break instead of him waking us up when we are both sleeping. Since Sean works so late I hate to wake him up in the morning when I get up so I am as quiet as possible. This morning I was running a little late so I did not really have the time to take Archer outside to go to the bathroom but that is obviously my responsibility. However Archer had no intention of going out in the cold with me so he just went back under the covers and was knocked out cold within a couple minutes. I was not worried about Archer not going out with me before I left for school because he had just gone out about 5 hours before. I also do not take him out everyday before I leave for school so this was not the first time I left without making sure Archer had gone outside. Like I said I hate waking Sean up especially to tell or ask him to take the dog out because I know that it would just make him grumpy and upset with me. So I left for school without saying anything. I figured Archer would wake Sean up when he was ready to go outside. I was so wrong about this. 

Now I am pretty sure that Archer tried to wake Sean up with his bark because it would be unusual if he did not at least try, but Sean is indeed a very heavy sleeper and it is a gamble whether he would or would not wake up to Archer’s noises. This morning he slept right through them and left Archer to do his business wherever he pleased in my room. When Sean finally woke up Archer had took a poop three different times and also had peed. He pooped on my carpet, on the bathroom floor, and on the bottom of my curtains where he also peed. Sean woke up to the smell and walking in the dark to turn the light on, he stepped into one of the piles in his bare feet. This did not turn out to be a good conversation for me. Sean texted me with what I could tell was a pretty decent amount of anger and asked me why I did not take the dog out this morning before I left for school, I explained and it lead to some more misunderstandment and argument. He then asked why I did not just tell him I had not taken our dog out and I tried to explain to him that I did not want to upset him with waking him and for the one time in the history of us being together he said he would not have cared. After our argument, Sean was really just upset how his morning went with Archer and how he had to scrape dogs poop out of my carpet and wash it off of his feet. 

In the end, this would not have happened if I would have just choose to wake Sean up and ask him to take our dog outside to go to the bathroom because I did not have enough time to do so myself. If I would have asked this question then we would have avoided poop and pee all over my room, a bad morning for Sean, an argument between me and him, and Archer would have been able to go to the bathroom where he is supposed to. 

Photo by waldopepper on / CC BY-NC


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1 Comment

  • bridley20
    January 14, 2020 at 1:37 pm 

    Funny story but poop and pee all over your room…ew. As Em knows I have two dogs, Nelson and Oliver. Nelson listens for the most part and he has never pee’d, pooped or threw up in our house on our floors. Oliver on the other hand is dumb and does not know what is right from wrong. Oliver tends to go through the trash and laundry baskets. He literally lifts up the lid to the laundry basket and garbage bin with his nose. So, with that being said Oliver eats the trash, socks and underwear. Numerous amounts of socks and underwear have disappeared from my house. This dog DOES NOT chew up anything, literally just swallows it whole. There has been multiple times where we wake up or get home and there is poop or throw up on the floor from Oliver. It’s disgusting and morale of the story some dogs don’t know what’s right from wrong some times and they can’t help it.

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