TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Benefits Of Asking Questions Out Weigh the Consequences

There’s always that one time in everyone’s life that they need or want to ask a question about something but they’re too nervous and afraid to ask because they don’t want to look or sound stupid asking it. I know I have have been in the situation. I was scared to ask a question that, in the end needed to be ask. I believe that there isn’t such a thing as a stupid question because if you don’t know something that can answer it. Why wouldn’t you ask it? When I was in one of my US History classes I was always nervous to ask her something because to me she always seemed to answer in sarcasm and belittle you with her answers as if we were toddlers. So I never wanted to ask anything, I was afraid, she was going to make me look and sound stupid for asking and she has before, but this time I really needed an answer. I knew I had to ask but, I didn’t want to and I had to make a decision because class was going to end soon. I knew I had to ask and it was between me and the teacher on what was going to happen. Finally, I decided I wanted to ask her and that is what I did.

I finally stood up and walked to the corner of the room where the teacher has her paper filled desk, which makes me wonder how she gets anything done and how she knows what is what. It was as clean as a recyclable bin filled to the top. Always made me think she is always in a bad mood because of all the useless paper on her desk. When I finally reached the corner of the room that stood her desk with her in it. I asked, I asked the question that I have been wanting to ask, but without a retorted response like I was ignorant and stupid. I’ve always asked questions but I didn’t like asking them because it was a flip of a coin whether she is going to make me look stupid. However, without hesitation I asked anyways. I asked about one of the questions on the summative I was writing, I said word for word, “I really don’t understand how to answer question 4 and I need you to clarify it for me”. Surprisingly she did not answer me like I was twelve. My teacher actually answered in a mature and helpful way. Completely answered my question and explained thoroughly, I was actually super happy. I was so surprised though because she seemed upset that class. Instead, she was happy I asked that question. After she was done explaining the answer to my question to me she told the class I asked a great question. She explained more in depth what one of the questions on the summative was asking us to do and answer. She told everyone to add a note to that question just as she did to me. I was so happy, and surprisingly she was in a better mood. The ambiance of the room felt happier and no longer annoyed and upset, knowing that question was making quite a few people struggle answering it. We were all relieved and I was proud of myself for asking and glad I did.

I do not know what I would have done if I did not ask that question. Honestly, I think It would have been harder to do the summative than asking her for help. Also, not only did I help myself on the question, but everyone else in the class that was struggling with it and wondering how to do it who were also nervous to ask the teacher for help. I was actually doing the question wrong and that question was double points, so If I would have continued on the path I was going for that question I would have been wrong and lost that chance of getting double points. It made a drastic impact on my grade that I received. It also had impacts on many other people in my class that was stuck on that question. It was one question that made a huge impact on my summative and other students as well, I finally knew I needed to ask. In the end it was 100% worth asking. I have no regrets from asking it and now I am not afraid of asking questions in her class and from now on if I have questions I always ask. I ended up getting over 95% on the summative and I would have lost 15% if I would have got that one question wrong. Getting 80% is a huge difference from 95% and I am so proud I asked that question and will continue to ask questions.
When you’re struggling on something and you know someone that can help you and you don’t take that opportunity to ask you’re going to lose crucial knowledge that would have helped you if you would have just built up the courage to ask it. I hope I never feel like I can’t ask a question. That one question you don’t want to ask may very well have a huge impact on what you’re doing. No matter how much you think it is a dumb question, ask it. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

Photo by **Best Wishes For A Happy New Year!** on / CC BY-NC-ND


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