TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Ditch

The day was New Years Eve and everyone was getting ready for the ball drop on tv and getting ready for their party’s. But what did I do? What did I MKronstrand decide to do? I think I’m going to shovel before going to meet my friends for dinner.

I went outside to shovel my back porch steps and pool deck and remembered that I need to clean out my car so I can get out. My car is like Bambi on ice in the snow so I needed as much snow gone as possible. I clean off my car and everything,the whole shabang, then I moved my car from my usual parking spot in the driveway to a different spot so I could clean out my area so I would be able to get out ok without spinning out.

Once I have done that I went to move my car back and realized the rest of my driveway hasn’t been plowed yet. I still proceeded to move to my usual parking spot and as I was backing up to the end of my driveway then I started to go back into my parking spot. As I start moving on my inclined driveway to get into my parking spot perfectly so that my parents can have room to park I start spinning out because my driveway wasn’t plowed. “Huh?” I said to myself as I press down more on the gas, only for my car to be going backwards so I try and stop my car and my attempts are futile as my car slides into a ditch. I try to move and I only make it worse as I move more left into the ditch and onto my lawn almost. I get out of my car and it is on top of 5 inches of powder on grass in a ditch at the end of my driveway.

Instead of thinking that this was funny which is something I could have thought was funny if it was anyone else but me who was in that ditch. But, I still couldn’t fathom that my car was stuck in a ditch in my own driveway. So luckily I remembered I got AAA roadside services for Christmas so I called them and apparently the wait was three hours and once they told me that my mood switched like a light switch. I was supposed to leave in 30 min to meet my friends. I had to cancel and they understood but they were puzzled as to how I managed to get stuck into my own driveway.

In frustration, I threw my keys not far but far enough to the point where it was in the snow in front of my house and I couldn’t see where they landed. So now I have a car stuck in a ditch and keys missing in snow in front of my house. If it were anyone else in this spot I would have thought this was funny but this is far from funny at the time of this event. At the time of writing this I realize it wasn’t that big of a deal. The time was about 5:45 and it was already dark so I had to look for my black keys in the white snow in the dark. It took me about a half an hour to find my keys in a spot where I thought I didn’t throw them and this was after I decided to get on my hands and knees and start digging with gloves on. To my neighbors I looked like I was a psychopath.

The tow truck finally came at around 7:30 about 30 minutes earlier than they told me they were going to come and it took them about 2 minutes to bring my car out of the ditch and I in this time my step dad plowed my driveway so that I could actually move my car back to its normal spot. My failure to not find this funny lead me to throwing my keys and causing me to search for them for 30 minutes of time and If I could not have found them I would have had to wait until spring which is not ideal. Now looking at it I feel like an idiot for throwing my keys and getting my car stuck which makes it kinda funny.

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  • elovering20
    January 16, 2020 at 9:21 pm 

    I like how you had a good build up to the main story. You did not just jump right into it. Your use of language was very strong as well. One of the best things that enhanced this story was when you quoted what you had said in the exact moments like when you said “huh” when you realized you where stuck. Some things I think you could have added was more detail on what happened after the fact, like did you still go out to eat with your friends, and what this situation effected for new years. Overall a very good piece.

  • nlinkel20
    January 17, 2020 at 11:36 am 

    This was pretty funny to read but I can understand the frustration you must’ve felt during that time. I think we tend to learn lessons from moments that can make us laugh though. I would’ve been so mad that my plans were ruined because of some silly mistake like that too. It was great that you had gotten AAA for Christmas.

  • dbauer20
    January 20, 2020 at 9:11 pm 

    I like how you went into detail about your mood changing and you getting mad about your car going into the ditch and having to cancle plans with your friends because AAA was going to take a while to get there. I also liked how you mentioned how you had a “failure to not find this funny” and then proceded to throw your keys and cause a bigger problem for yourself. I also like how in the end you eventually realize how ridiculous the whole situation was.

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