TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Pizza Nightmare

The start of September is a great time of year. Leaves start to fall, the colors of the fall start to come into effect, and all the oranges and yellows are seen for miles on end. So on this day my mother called me on my phone and said, “Can you go get dinner and then I will pay you back when you get home?” “Sure.” I replied while being barely complacent with the idea of me leaving my comfy bed.

So I then headed off to my favorite place go get the pizza and when I went to pick up my order I remembered that I had 10 coupons and if you have 10 coupons you can get a free pizza. I gave the coupons to the worker and she accepted them. I was so happy that I didn’t have to pay for the pizza and I knew my mother would be too! I then set off to head home.

I was at an area I knew pretty well so I didn’t really feel the need to look at my speedometer when I was driving and thought I would just drive after being so happy I had enough coupons for the pizza. I then went on and I was five hundred feet from my destination of my humble aboad, but on the left side of the road I see lights of the blue and red spectrum. As the car does an illegal U turn my heart sinks at the bottom of my chest and my legs began to tremble. I pull over to let him pass and surely enough he pulls in behind me and my nail biting had begun and the sweat didn’t stop pouring out of my porous body.

As the man in black approached my vessel I had begun to fear I am in a heap of trouble. Then there was the icing on the extremely bitter cake. When the man asked me for my license and registration I handed him my registration and my debit card by accident. I was extremely embarrassed as he told me of what I had handed him not knowing I accidentally handed him my debit card. As I quickly apologized for my mistake with the speed and the card I handed him the correct forms that he had asked.

As he went back to his car, I had become tedious and terrified at the same time with the same questions running through my head. “Will I get ticketed? Will I lose my License?” My fears became reality. As my grim reaper approached the car he handed me a yellow paper with a 200$ ticket on it. Then he told me about how not to speed and I had 30 days to pay the damned ticket.

I then went home and told my parents the grim news and they looked at me liked I did a double homicide. I was then punished further with restrictions being made to my life like I am in chains and shackles. It only got worse as two weeks have gone by and I got a letter saying my license is now suspended and I couldn’t drive for a whole month which is the saddest thing to have ever happened to me. Mistakes have been made and I definitely paid for them–literally.

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1 Comment

  • ashannon20
    January 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm 

    This is well written and an interesting story. I like the descriptive wording and the attention to detail. I felt like I was there almost. The fact that you had to literally pay for your mistake really completed the post. You chose a very good story to write about and did very well overall.

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