TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

U-Shaped Lightning Rod

I was in Lewiston, Maine at Lewiston Regional Technical Center (LRTC), in the electrical class getting ready to learn. So our teacher Mr. Cushman started teaching and throughout class a kid in my class would ask dumb questions.

The question that he asked last was, “Mr. Cushman, what if I invented the U-Shaped lightning rod.” Everyone one in the class was just confused and started laughing at him for asking that question. The kid who asked the question thought it was funny too because he knew it was just a joke as well when he asked it. Our teacher asked him why he would want to invent the U-Shaped lightning rod and what the purpose would be. The kid said that it was going to be used for when there is lightning and the lightning would strike the U-Shaped Lightning rod and would go through the lightning rod in the U-shape, and go straight back up to where it came from. We all asked him what the purpose would be for that to happen and he just shrugged and said he did not know either he just thought it was a good and funny idea. Mr Cushman just laughed and said “Well you should keep that to yourself.” Then we continued our class. If the kid in the class did not ask that question no one would have known about the amazing idea of the useless need of the U-Shaped Lightning rod that would do nothing. After this we just stopped doing book work for the day and went into the workshop to do some real life work.

Another time this kid in my class asked a question that he did not need to ask because it made no sense and had nothing to do with what we were talking about. We were talking about fire alarms and where to put them in a house and where you can not put them in your house. So as we were talking about where we can put them he asked the question, “Mr. Cushman, what if the hallway to your room was a crawl space?” Everyone one in the class started to laugh at his question that was dumb and not needed. And our teacher Mr. Cushman looked at him with a big smile and laughed and said, “Why would the hallway to your room be a crawl space?” and the kid quickly responded saying “No no Mr. Cushman, just, what if the hallway to your room was a crawl space?” and then our teacher said, “It wouldn’t be” and then the kid said again “But what if?” Then our teacher just continued with the class. But “What if” this kid in my class did not ask this question? Most likely nothing would have happened because of it, because it was a useless question that made no sense. The whole time I was listening in on the conversations that this kid in my teacher, Mr. Cushman were having about the U-Shaped lightning rod and your hallway being a crawl space. I was just thinking about how he could come up with all these random ideas and inventions on the fly like that and then proceed to ask them even if they were dumb. Through the whole class I was laughing about how he would ask them even though they did not make any sense to anyone or even himself.

Imagine if the kid in my LRTC program did not ask Mr. Cushman if the idea of the U-Shaped lightning rob would be a good idea. If he did not ask he would have thought that it was still a good idea to make. If we did not tell him that the idea of the U-Shaped lightning rob would be useless then he would have continued with his idea and theory that it would be a good idea to invent. So now that we told him that it would be useless to create and that he would not gain any money from this product because it serves no purpose and there is no need for the invention of it. But do not be afraid to ask a question even if you think it may be dumb. Also, if the kid did not ask the question about the hallway to your room being a crawl space, then we would not have fully known how dumb of questions that he can come up with to ask the class, but mostly nothing would have happened even if he did not ask.

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  • mhall20
    January 12, 2020 at 10:58 pm 

    For one class I would just love to sit in and listen to the absurd stories you tell me, from kids spelling to this kids ideas. Also, by far the best line I think I have read is “If the kid in the class did not ask that question no one would have known about the amazing idea of the useless need of the U-Shaped Lightning rod that would do nothing.” I just love this line because I can almost hear you saying it as I read it. Great work Colby :).

  • lsturtevant20
    January 13, 2020 at 10:20 am 

    Whoever this kid is, I feel like he is definitely onto something with these questions. He or She is definitely very creative and is always asking questions to possibly gain a little bit more learning. And while his questions may seem useless to you maybe they are crucial to his thinking and learning process. It’s these little experiences that help you to learn a little bit more about different people how they may live their lives. Maybe the next time this kid asks a question it will be something that the whole class can learn from. Whoever they are they obviously are not afraid of asking questions that could be revered as stupid or pointless, which is a very rare occurrence in society nowadays. The questions that don’t get asked becomes learning that is lost forever.

  • jfuller20
    January 14, 2020 at 8:53 am 

    You did a great job summarizing the conversation and how he asked the question. I also think that you did a great job at capturing some of his “What If” questions.

  • caleighton20
    January 15, 2020 at 1:31 pm 

    This is a great post and I can relate to this very much because I was in the class with you and I remember all of this and everything you said you explained everything thoroughly and that made it easy for me to relate and understand what you were saying. One thing I would have done differently is, in the first paragraph where you’re talking about background information and about what this post is about, I would have explained more about the rest of the post was about. I understand what you were saying, but in the first paragraph you talked about the U-shaped rod but in the next paragraph didn’t really include much about that. I would have included more about the rod in the the next paragraph and more about the “what if” questions because I couldn’t fully understand if it was mainly about the rod or about his “what if” questions in general. I would have clarified that so the readers know. Overall, great post.

  • adeditch20
    January 17, 2020 at 2:08 pm 

    Wow, what a great story and what an even greater use of tone! Your post kept me laughing and smiling the whole time I was reading it. It’s funny to think that one person in your class can ask so many questions that are so pointless. At least it makes the class fun though!

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