TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Everything in this world has the potential to be funny. However, it is someone’s opinion on what is funny and what is not funny that affects the reality of their life. If one’s life is dull and boring and their personality on everything is negative than they would never truly have a story to fit the role that is this blog post. However, unlike some people, I myself do I have a story. It was a regular night in terms of everyone else, but for me, it was supposed to be something special. I was attending an individual’s party, a birthday party to be exact and a bunch of my friends was planning on attending, which made things all the more worthwhile. However, what made it funny was not the party itself, but what we set off to do at eleven o’clock at night. The terms of the thing we did I will get to later as it is better to start off from the beginning rather than spoiling the story. Therefore for me, this story does not revolve around laughter, but like all things in life. Laughter can make things easier for oneself in a situation that seems all the more serious.

The beginning of the story is like any other, it started off as a regular night with the boys. I was sitting on the couch playing Call of Duty it was around 8 o’clock at night, and I was complaining about my friend screen peaking in our one v one match on Nuke town. Of course, I was losing therefore the complaining was justified. The match went on and I lost, which does not usually happen of course. However, that was all forgotten when the pizza showed up and I ate as much as I could to help smother my defeat. The rest of the party went on without a hitch, but alas just like all good things it must either go on or die. This brought up the decision to go outside and go for a walk it was rather late which made it all the more interesting to be entranced by the idea of walking. The few of us decided that walking as well as exciting as it can be, it was getting rather boring. This, of course, brought on the beautiful and very original idea that is playing the classic game of ding dong ditch. Of course, because we were intellectuals at the time we decided to modify it. We found our first victim which ended up being our last victim, but we did not know that at the time. We elected someone to go up to the door and do what they needed to do in order to bring out the reaction we were looking for. Our friend went up and did the deed only to be rewarded with nothing, nothing at all. It seemed as if the person was sleeping, which would seem logical as it was late, but we did not put two and two together, but alas irrelevant. We did the only thing that anybody with half a mind would do and that was to knock on it again, but louder. We sat in our spots waiting patiently for the person to come out and they never did, which is why we knocked on it a final time. We were not going to give up on something as paramount as this. We knocked on the door, the windows and rang the doorbell as many times as possible than we ran to our spots and waited. This time we got a reaction, but the reaction was not at all what we expected.

People laugh for all sorts of reasons the reason we all chuckled when we finally got the reaction we wanted was well it was a nervous laugh as the person came out with a dog and a flashlight and an angry look on their face. This all at the time seemed to be a little much for us to handle as the person was walking towards our hiding spot and it seemed as if we were going to get caught, which ultimately was not an option. With that being said, we got up and we ran as fast as our legs would let us as getting caught was not an option either. I had already taken one loss I did not need another. This led to us running down an icy road and turning onto another, while the person was yelling at us to stop. I ended up falling as the ice was rather slippery, it reminded me of a time in a horror movie when the bad guy was chasing the kids and the cliche part when the kid trips and falls yeah that was me. However, I got up and kept up with the group and jumped behind a tree to hide. The person gave up or so we thought he actually just got in his car and started patrolling the roads. This was not ideal as I was in shorts and a t-shirt hiding in the snow behind a tree for 30 minutes while this guy looked for us. It got worse as the person I was hiding with said that he swore he saw two cop cars pull onto the street we were on and everything from that point seemed a little more serious. However, we eventually met back up with the group and we decided on looping back to the house as it seemed like the only safe spot we had. It looked like we were finally out of the woods, but a car was driving along the road, and we did not see it until it was too late. Luckily, it was one of the other kid’s parents. However, the parent knew about our prank. They were not impressed and we were getting interrogated about the idea and what happened. Everything seemed fine until we passed the house and ended up pulling into the guy’s house that we pranked and two cop cars were indeed sitting in the driveway along with two cops talking to the individual. Everything seemed like it was going very very downhill. The perfect party was crashing or at least for me, it was.

The end of the tunnel seemed to be closing in and there was no light as everything possible that could have gone wrong did. I got out of the car along with my three friends and the adult that was with us. After getting out the two cops and the guy came up to us and started asking us what happened to get our side of the story as the guy thought we were actually trying to break into his house. As things started to come together and the stories of us started to collide the guy started to laugh as he heard what we were telling him and how we thought he was trying to chase us down and then we started laughing as he told us about one of his childhood stories. In the end, it seemed as if everything was forgotten and the reason was because of our civility, but also our ability to laugh off something that did not mean any real harm. As it was just a good ole fashion prank. The cops told us to not do it again, which seemed understandable as it did waste their time, but the reason nothing else came out of it was because of the laughter and civility that the stories caused and brought forth. This is why in times when things seem their darkest a little bit of laughter and civility can lighten any situation. With that being said, that is my story, which at the moment was rather scary, but in the end, laughter and civility brought forth a memory I will never forget.

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  • jhackett20
    January 15, 2020 at 9:52 pm 

    Wow, this was a rather enticing story, kept me on my feet the whole time. I believe that these tragically hilarious moments make for the best memories. I have been in a similar situation but we will not get into that, don’t want to belittle your truly exciting memory. I’m glad that everything worked out in the end and I enjoyed your scholarly word choices as well.

  • adeditch20
    January 17, 2020 at 1:56 pm 

    This story was very exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole time I was reading it. Not to mention your great use of imagery and tone made me feel like I was right there with you the whole time. Nice work!

  • lsturtevant20
    May 29, 2020 at 2:06 pm 

    That cop deserves praise for being so awesome about what could have been serious trouble. I am glad it turned out well for you in the end and I hope you had learned your lesson.

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