TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Talking Politics with Magdolyn

In one of my study halls I have, the students and teacher like to talk during the class about anything from school systems to reciting funny stories that happened over the weekend. Usually, there are multiple kids in there all engaged in the conversation. Some of the time, there are so many people talking they start to yell over each other and talk so it tends to get pretty loud in there. Since it is second period, some people are still tired and trying to keep their eyes open, but I think with all the commotion they’re shaken of their tiredness. On this day we were talking about what had recently happened. The United States, or the president Donald Trump I should say, attacked and killed the Iranian military general the third day into the new year 2020. Since then, it has been a big topic in the news world, or the world in general. In one of my study halls, the teacher, and a couple of students were chatting about the attack that happened. Of course, the conversation didn’t stop there. The conversation went from the attack, to politics, to world war 3, to Trump in general, to the difficulties of being president.

A couple of students like him as president, other students weren’t a fan. He was either a hit or miss to people, there really wasn’t an inbetween. This topic obviously has lots of controversy and different view points by different people in the classroom. Asking a question during the conversation was hard, especially if you didn’t know much about politics. I was listening to what everyone was saying but I wasn’t participating because I’m not huge about the topic.

“I like Trump as president,” someone said and a couple students silently agreed. Others said, “I don’t like him at all,” and of course, there were some other students who silently agreed. That topic didn’t get too far since the subject was changed to the position of presidency itself. Magdolyn, one of my friends, joined the conversation by saying, “I have a question but I don’t want to sound dumb.” The room was full of students, and since it was a study hall, it was relatively quiet. But, after hearing that, everyone wanted to know. “Just say it,” myself and a couple others said. “Okay,” she said sort of hesitantly. “Do you think being the president is a hard job?”

Honestly, I was so confused about if she was serious about it, and she was. I started laughing and a couple other people did too. “Maggie, are you serious?” I asked. She kind of chuckled after I asked her because she knew that the question she asked wasn’t what she meant it to be. “Wait, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant…” people were already judging her in a friendly, jokingly way as soon as the question left her mouth.
Since it was such a simple question, I thought that almost everyone in the room new the answer without having to even have it be asked. If I had asked it though, I bet, with no doubt, that people would’ve had the same reaction to the question. Even though the question had an obvious answer, we all laughed about it after.

Photo by Gage Skidmore on / CC BY-SA


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  • jnoel20
    January 15, 2020 at 5:01 pm 

    I enjoyed reading this a lot, it made me laugh to myself because I can literally hear and picture her saying that in front of everyone in all seriousness. Over all this is a great story and you told it well. Great job Emily.

  • mryder20
    May 29, 2020 at 2:06 pm 

    Do you think that there was more to this question? That it wasn’t just a simple question? Because although the question may sound simple, maybe she meant something more than what was directly stated….

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