TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Christmas Disaster

About a week ago my English class went to see a Christmas play called “A Christmas Carol”. We all wanted to go see it because we can skip 3 of our class periods, and have fun while watching the play. As seniors, if we are given an opportunity to get out of school, even if it’s for 3 minutes we will still take that opportunity. A few classes before the play we learned that there was more than just our class going, and that there is going to be third graders and other random people. Our teacher informed us we, as seniors, are not allowed to punt the third graders, because she would have to fill out paperwork. This would take the fun out of it. That was pretty disappointing because some of us were really looking forward to punting third graders, but that would seem only slightly bad.

We waited to get onto our quality Oak Hill buses, while we waited to make sure most if not all, our class showed up because it was a mandatory trip, since we would have a summative over it later. When we got to the theater which was in lovely Lewiston, it was freezing not only outside, but inside the theater which was okay if you brought a heavy jacket, which of course I did not. Our senior English class had to sit in the middle rows of the theater, because the third graders would get the other seats. Of course I am unlucky and choose an outside seat where the third graders sat right to my right.

Once the play started it was good though familiar because I had seen “A Christmas Carol” so many times I could probably recite it. The play was good the actors did a good job, and the play was familiar because I believe I saw it in eighth grade year at the same place. The actors did a great job with the little amount of props they had. The person who played Scrooge was definitely what I would picture a Scrooge to look like. Parts of the play where funny like when the second ghost came in to Scrooge’s house many times, and Scrooge was snoring and wouldn’t wake up. Scrooge getting startled all the time made the audience laugh as well because it was pretty funny, the noises Scrooge made.

Once the play was finished the audience members could ask questions to the actors. Not too many questions were asked though one question stood out to all of us and made us all laugh. Of course us being teenagers usually keep to ourselves so our class only asked a few questions. However, third graders on the other hand, ask any questions because they probably don’t get embarrassed. One kid asked the actors “Why did Scrooge have to die?” Which was hilarious for everyone in the audience and the actors even had a laugh. The reason the question was so funny was because Scrooge did not die, it was just a scene about the future where Scrooge could see his grave stone. Scrooge then returned back to his house and was cheerful the next day. The response that the play manager gave was just as funny though. He replied with “Everyone dies” Which also made the audience laugh.

If the kid did not ask the question the audience and actors would not have laughed because the other questions that were asked where not as obvious or dumb. The questions that people asked later where more careful, because no one wants to be laughed at when they ask a question. I can’t say how the kid felt after asking the question, but I am sure, he probably laughed it off, or felt very embarrassed. I could only imagine his face turning red as a strawberry from the embarrassment. Others in the audience probably wanted to ask similar questions to the kid, but thought twice at what could happen because they did not want to be laughed at like that kid.

When our class left the theater and when back to Oak Hill, that is all the seniors talked about whenever they brought up the play, was that kids funny question. There was more funny things said while at the play, but they were said in the middle of the play, and it wasn’t a question. Someone said, “I’m hungry” while the play started which got people to laugh. The worst part about asking a stupid question is people don’t forget that either you asked that stupid question, or you remember that person asking a stupid question. No one ever forgets because people can relate back to an event by remembering something that happened, which in this case was that stupid question.

Photo by Ksayer1 on / CC BY-SA


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1 Comment

  • ballaire20
    February 3, 2020 at 9:27 am 

    The story is well written, language is chosen carefully, and the length is not too long or too short. I would, however have preferred to hear more of your perspective and your involvement in the story but if their wasn’t much involvement on your part, its understandable, you can’t control it. Overall, I agreed with the main theme and message towards the end, finishing off a good story.

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