TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Too Much Energy

It was a Friday afternoon at Oak Hill Middle School, I was an 8th grader. I was just enjoying my day and sitting in my math class waiting for the time to pass by so I could go home and enjoy my weekend and play some video games. I was so excited and eager to go home that I was watching the clock and waiting for the clock to hit 2:00 so that I could to go home. While I was in my last class my teacher had assigned one last assignment for us to finish that period before we left to go home for the weekend.

It was a double sided paper on fractions and I had just finished the first side of the paper and I was ahead of the rest of the class on work. I thought it would be fine to talk to my friend Cam who was sitting next to me for a second. I didn’t think the teacher would mind, so I turned over to him, and I asked him what his plans were for the weekend and if he wanted to hang out with me tonight. He responded telling me he wasn’t doing anything and said that we could hang out at my house if it was okay with his parents. So we kept chatting about what we were gonna do and we both started to get anxious and very excited to go home and hang out. We started to get all rattled up and full of energy and we began laughing about things out loud and the teacher heard us and got fed up with all of our giggling and talk us to knock it off.

So we stopped talking for some time, but after a few minutes passed by we started laughing again and Cam made me laugh so hard I farted. The teacher heard it and the whole class started laughing about it. Me and cam then got yelled at by the teacher and we were asked to step out of the class and have a word with our teacher. When we were out in the hall away from everyone she told us that what we were doing needs to stop and she assigned us a detention for after school because we were stopping the class from doing their work. So because we had to go to a detention and our parents were called, our after school plans that we made to do together ended up getting canceled.

And Both of our parents were so beyond mad that we got detentions that they decided to ground both of us for the entire weekend. So we weren’t able to hang out or even play video games with each other because both of our playstations got taken away. The lesson I learned from this the most was that when a teacher tells you to stop talking you should listen to her and actually stop talking because the consequences can grow and be a lot bigger than you can ever imagine. Another thing that I took away from this is that sitting next to your friends is not a good thing to do in classes because even though they are your friends they make it very easy to get distracted from getting your schoolwork done. I think that If I wouldn’t have sat next to Cam in my class, then I probably would have just finished my assignment because before I started talking to Cam, and I had already finished the first side of the paper.

If I didn’t decide to talk to him then I would have been fine to just pass it in and go home, but instead I decided to talk and that is why I deserved my punishment. I just wish I would have known better than to think that talking after my first warning wouldn’t have got me in trouble because my teacher was nice and gave me a warning. I just didn’t want to listen to her because I was too busy trying to make up plans for what I wanted to do that weekend. I definitely know next time not to talk to my friends when I have work assigned for me to get done.

Photo on Trendhype


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