TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Double Trouble

About 5 years ago, My brother Colby and I went over to our friend Tanner’s house to hangout and sleep over at his house. Colby and I were both 14 at the time and Tanner was 13. Tanner had a pool at his house, so we went swimming the night we came over. We knew it was going to be rainy the next day, and we did not want to miss the opportunity to swim at his house if the weather the next day halted us from doing that. The next day was just as expected and it was rainy and gloomy, but no thunder and lightening so we could still swim. Tanner’s parents told us to be careful and were told not to jump off certain parts of the balcony because it would be wet and slippery, Tanner’s parents did not want us getting hurt since they wouldn’t be home. As you could guess we did not listen to what they said and decided to jump from the balcony anyways and one of us paid the price.

The day we regretted not listening to Tanner’s parents was that gloomy, rainy day. This is the day we look back at together and laugh about, but we also understand our mistakes and would not do that again. During this day we were having a blast swimming and playing around with each other. The water was so warm, and it wasn’t cold like we expected it would have been. Every time you swim when it’s raining it always feels warmer for some reason and makes it more fun to swim. We were swimming all day long, diving, cannon balls, and all these other ways of jumping in. Finally, we paid the price from not listening to Tanner’s parents and jumping off the railing of the balcony. We have been doing it all day, but eventually when Tanner got on the railing and went to jump he slipped off the railing like it was as slippery as ice right when it freezes, falling off the railing and next to the pool which was surrounded by little rocks landing on both of his wrists. When Tanner landed he instantly started to tear up and cry yelling for us to get his sister Lindsey. Colby and I just stood there in shock about what just happened. Finally, I run into his house and up the stairs leaving Colby outside with Tanner. I pound on his Lindsey’s door to her room yelling for her to help and she came running outside and calls their parents and getting Tanner into her car to bring him to the hospital. He ended up with two broken wrists. Both of his wrists wore casts. I felt so bed for him and never wanted to be in his position. I couldn’t imagine having two casts on. That’s what made me not want to do anything dangerous around pools anymore. I was afraid of getting hurt.

From then on Tanner, Colby, and I always talk about that moment, knowing we did something stupid and laughing at it but knowing what we did wrong. We knew our mistakes and we definitely learned from them. I do not do any dangerous things around pools anymore, and I do not like jumping off of things when it is raining into the pool anymore and I don’t do it anymore. I chose to jump where you were supposed to so I did not get hurt like Tanner did. From that moment I have always tried to be safe, while actually still having fun so I did not end up getting hurt. I have always been good about that type of stuff but this just reinforced it. I have never broken a bone in my life, but I have fractured a bone. Which was not even my fault. I would not ever want to increase my chances of getting hurt and breaking something so I always try to be as safe as possible while I also a fun and enjoyable time doing it.

In the end, this story is very funny but very important to us because we learned a lot from that day and everything is healed and fine. Now it is funny to look back and laugh at the fact we got hurt when we didn’t listen to what Tanner’s parents said and we learned from that. We learned we should always listen to what your parents tell you because they most likely know what they’re talking about and just trying to keep you safe and not hurt yourself. We learned from our mistakes and I don’t think we will ever be put in a situation like that again if we listen and follow the rules that were made for a reason. I no longer disregard the information parents say to me and I try to follow them so I don’t get hurt.

Photo by clango on / CC BY-SA


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  • nmarcotte20
    April 28, 2020 at 2:46 pm 

    I like reading this story from another perspective. I remember when this first happened, and Tanner explaining the story because it is honestly quite amazing breaking two wrists at the same time. I can’t imagine how that poor kid functioned. The only way I could relate to a broken bone was my arm, and that was 6 weeks without bending one elbow. Very good job explaining the story, it is funny to look back on this story.

  • bfoster20
    May 24, 2020 at 11:52 pm 

    I would say that just to be more careful next time you don’t know what could happen. Bad things could happen so fast if you do not watch out.

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