TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Hurt less laugh more

Jasmine Harris

On my 17th birthday in mid July something happened that I will never forget. Before I tell you what it is let me tell you from the beginning. A few days earlier I made plans with a few friends to come hangout on my birthday, we could go swimming and play yard games. First, I had to go pick up my friend Evelyn to get ready to go to physical therapy and that’s when I got the call… But I missed it because I wasn’t paying any attention to my phone. We finally arrived at my physical therapy session which normally only took about 30 minutes. As we were getting ready to leave, I noticed that I had a missed call, so I called him back. Although there was no answer…A few minutes later the phone rang and I answered it only to find out it was my boyfriend whom proceeded to tell me that he crashed his dirtbike and got hurt. I was fuming, I hung up the phone threw it in the backseat and started driving to my grandmother’s. I had to hide my emotions so that my friends who arrived after me wouldn’t know why I was so upset. Although I was not very good at it, so they discovered that something was wrong eventually. I was full of emotions when my friends kept hounding me to tell them why I was acting in such a strange way.

Finally, I exploded I explained to them that my boyfriend had crashed his dirt bike while trying to do a wheelie just 3 hours before my party. I knew that he probably wasn’t going to make it to the party or he wasn’t gonna be able to do everything we had planned. So my friends and I sat down and talked about it for a little but then decided to start setting up games while we waited for our friends to show up. An hour or 2 later my 2 friends show up, so we wait for the rest of them to arrive. Finally when everyone arrived to the party I decided that I did not want to talk to my boyfriend because I was so full of emotion and upset with his choice, so I ignored him. I continued on the day and acted like he was not there for an hour maybe even longer. As we all went swimming he could not, because he has some bad cuts on his back from the crash and as much as I wanted to stay mad I didn’t, eventually I had to talk to him. So after that first hour passed I started talking to him although I did have a very bad attitude, which made him have one too, and that caused me to be mad again. Later that day, He decided he did not want to stick around as it was getting a little later but the party was not over. He claimed that he was in pain because of his back being all scratched up so I let him go. Although I wasn’t too happy about it I let him anyways.

Eventually everyone started to head home and I was by myself so I started thinking about how I shouldn’t have been so upset. I learned that being so upset with him made my day kinda suck. Even though I was so mad for what had happened I thought about it all day, it was really starting to bother me. So I apologize for being so angry all day and not being so mad made everyone in a better mood. Being in that better mood helped my birthday end in a ton of better and different ways, although I still kinda haven’t forgave him for it because as I mentioned earlier, he said he was going to crash before he even crashed. In my opinion I believed he should not have rode that bike in the first place but I did not feel like arguing about it anymore. So with that being said maybe if I was in a good mood things would have turned out better that day and I would have had more fun than I did, but I was angry. I made it known that I was upset and I should not have done that. In conclusion when you’re upset try your hardest to be happy because being angry just makes situations worse than they need to be. Trust me I’ve learned that the hard way.

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1 Comment

  • abyras20
    January 24, 2020 at 5:26 pm 

    I like how in the end you ended up being happy on your birthday. “Finally, I exploded I explained to them that my boyfriend had crashed his dirt bike while trying to do a wheelie just 3 hours before my party” I would have exploded too. I have a hard time keeping my emotions bottled up for a long time because I eventually explode.

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