TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Ice Is Slippery, Who Knew?

As a middle school student, I moved out to a different home, but stayed at my school in a different district until the end of the school year. I was stuck in this awkward phase of traveling back and forth with my mother every morning and afternoon. This wouldn’t be so bad if my mother wasn’t so “colorful”, for instance, my mom likes to drive very big vehicles that she decorates with her own unique style, she tells me that she is “pimping her ride”. “Pimping” in her point of view means covering everything she can with skulls and bedazzle gems, like the license plate, or the steering wheel, even the seats. My mother also enjoys loud music where she blares her very flamboyant choice of sound on her subwoofers in the back of the vehicle, including the genre “electronic punk”, what even is that? Many other kids were seeing me emerging every morning from a white bedazzled, skull covered truck that actually screams “I think death is chic” when you look at it while some hippity-hoppity, bass boosted, electro-scream music plays, very loudly might I add, in the background. The point is, I thought my mother was embarrassing while I was in middle school.

One winter afternoon, I was just coming out of school, all the other kids were rushing to their busses or their parent’s cars. Me of course, wanted to get out of there as soon as possible because my mother sticks out like a sore thumb. I didn’t want to be a sore thumb along with her, so I threw my hood over my face and sprinted to the death truck. My mom decides it’s a good Idea to wait outside the car for me so I see her, as if I can’t see the truck already. To make the matter worse, my mom also likes to dress exotically, so most of the time, she was seen rocking a pink mohawk, rainbow star tattoos on her face, and very tall heels.

As I’m running to the car, I lose a bit of my balance because it’s winter and there is a lot of ice, and I slide on my feet very quickly into the car door. I grabbed the handle to try and catch myself but it felt like I was going at least 10 mph so I slid underneath the truck like a penguin and hit my head off either the ice or the bottom of the truck, I can’t remember. My mom was on the driver’s side about to get in the car at this point and watched all of this go down, and of course she started laughing. Here I am, under the truck with the biggest headache I have ever had and completely soaked clothes while my mother is buckled over holding her stomach because she just can’t help but laugh. Eventually she gets up and takes me by my feet, drags me out from under the death truck and laughs even more because of how stupid I looked lying on the ground soaking wet and covered in dirt, and on top of it all everyone on the busses and in the parking lot saw.

Long story short, I ended up really liking my mom’s style and embracing her odd features and now I laugh and tell this story to many people. The moment in my life was extremely embarrassing to me, but I learned that staying upset about it isn’t going to do me any good, after it happened, I didn’t even want to go to school, but I ended up going anyways and everything was fine. Laughing at my embarrassments and my failures has taught me that usually it isn’t the end of the world when it happens, and that It will pass eventually.

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