TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My Prom Experience

This one event had a lot more unexpected things in it than what I thought could be possible. I myself am not too huge on school dances and what not but all of my friends were going to one of the most important ones, and after a lot of begging I said that I’d go. The only problem was that I didn’t have a tuxedo to wear which was a huge problem. I told them and they said that really sucks but my friend’s mom reached out to me and said that they would pay for a rented tux for me but I had to take my best friend’s little sister to prom. Which wasn’t that big of a deal for me but it was a huge deal to a lot of people and I was very surprised when she said this. I really didn’t have a choice so I accepted the offer. What made this situation a little bit more awkward was that one of my good friends was talking to Ally (the little sister). So I felt kinda bad for him because I had to take a bunch of pictures with Ally acting as if we were dating like putting my arm around her and stuff like that.

Then after all the pictures were out of the way we had to actually go to the place where the prom was taking place which was a solid 25 minute drive which was not that bad but we were already late so It seemed like it took forever then on the way one of our cars gets pulled over and we have to wait for like another 30 minutes for the cop to finish his stuff and get on with the night. our friend got like a 75 dollar ticket for a really dumb reason, I can’t remember exactly what it was for but it had something to do with a sticker. Me and my friends were in the car behind them and I thought it was one of the funniest things ever though but afterwards when I realized he got a ticket I felt a tiny bit bad for him. but not enough to still laugh a lot and make fun of him a lot.

At the dance though I was super awkward and just didn’t really like dances so I just would hang out at the tables and talk to all my friends that would come by. I was basically a loser to put it in easy terms, I went around complimenting everyone that looks super good in their nice clothes I even managed to courage to compliment my crush at the time when I walked by which for me was a monumental moment because I was terrified. She looked super good and she was already there with another guy so I thought for sure that she was 100% off the table so that made me kinda sad but I got over it quickly because it would be kinda weird to be sad about something like that when she not once showed interest in me. Later that night though after the dance was over she messaged me and we started talking then a month after that we started dating. It’s crazy to think that if Alex’s mom didn’t pay for my tux I wouldn’t have started dating my crush. It was a huge unexpected bonus to me going to prom.

After prom I had to bring the tux back to the place that we rented it from which was completely ok. I brought a friend with me though because I was nervous because I had never done this before. We got there and I did my stuff, signed some stuff and gave back the tux and they gave me 10$ for bringing back the tux on time which I thought was super cool. Then we started talking about random things like, I don’t know 10 minutes because she was super nice and asked how the prom went and stuff. When I went to leave though she tried to give me another 10$ which was surprising. So I asked what it was for and she goes, you get 10$ for returning your tux on time. I told her that she had already done that. I showed her the 10 she had just given me. She thought I was a very good guy for telling her and then gave me a 5$ for being honest.All of these stories happened in a matter of probably 3 or less days which to me is very surprising because these things never happen normally so when they all happened within a week I was just in awe of what was going on. I definitely expect the unexpected those couple of days, one wild thing after the next.

This totally relates to many of the books that I have read but one in particular that really sticks out to me is the book “A Court Of Thorns And Roses” by Sarah J. Mais. The main character went to this dance with someone but unexpectedly found the love of her life but didn’t realize it at the time.

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  • rgoucher20
    March 4, 2020 at 3:29 pm 

    I am also not huge on dances and events like that in general, I like the honesty of the story and how open you are about how your anxiety was affecting you. The part where you talked about Ally was pretty funny and gave me a bit of a smile, I can’t imagine how awkward that was for you. You going to make a move and compliment your crush, I guess the prom worked out pretty well for you and wasn’t as bad. I know how it can feel to not want to be a part of the larger crowd during a dance like that.

  • mham20
    March 13, 2020 at 9:08 am 

    Prom was so much fun with you! I didn’t realize how you felt but after reading this very well written blog post, I wish I would’ve included you more! Everything happens for a reason though, so I’m glad you found something positive from an uncomfortable situation. I love reading your blog posts, because they bring so much positive energy to my day! Keep writing, you’re doing an amazing job!

  • mhill20
    April 20, 2020 at 9:01 am 

    WOW! what a crazy turn of events I did not expect all of that out of this story but needless to say I really enjoyed it. I am so glad that everything worked out in the end and that you got rewarded for your honesty that is so cool. I look forward to reading more by you now that I have read this . it was very well put together and was easy to follow. keep up the good work.

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