TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The importance of Believing in Yourself

My name is Autumn Brown and I learned how important it is to try and never give up. During my life there’s been quite a few things that I have really struggled with and one them is my lack of common sense or lack of smarts. I will have to say I’m not the dumbest person around but I sometimes have the tendency to overthink absolutely everything. A lot of the time I will be given an assignment and I will overthink every aspect of it. I have no clue why I do this, but I do.

So around April of last year I had completely given up on school and myself. I mean completely this doesn’t even include going to alternative because I had given up before that. I myself believed I couldn’t do it anymore. I was failing so many classes so bad to the point where it would have been impossible to try and catch up. I didn’t even want to try. I didn’t want to put in the effort to succeed. I couldn’t even see myself finishing High School or going to college. April of last year I really wanted to drop out of High School. That is the same time I decided college is not for me because I didn’t think I was smart enough. The whole summer of last year I had the same mentality. At that point I was already transferred into our school’s alternative program and there was no way in hell my mom would let me drop out so close to finishing High School.

By the end of the summer I got back to school and nothing had changed. I still thought I wasn’t smart enough for regular school I still thought I was to dumb for college and I thought way too little of myself to succeed. While being in the alternative program I still did classes in the regular High School because my guidance counselors thought it would be good for me to still be apart of the school community. For the first few weeks of my senior year I just wanted to say screw it and just be done High School.

Until I got my first 100 in anatomy. That is when I learned almost instantaneously that I was smart enough. I knew then that I was going to get out of alternative and I was going to succeed. I knew then when I got a 100 on a COLLEGE LEVEL course test that I could go to college and that I could succeed. It took me a little while to get out of the alternative program but I kept pushing and pushing because then I could see the end prize, and that was getting accepted into the college of my choice and moving on with my life. I will say that next hurdle was English. When I came out of the alternative program I truly wanted to be in specialized English. I was denied based on my star scores and mostly the fact that the teacher had hope in me and was going be there for me every step of the way (Just a FYI English is my hardest class). English has always been a struggle of mine but thanks to me believing in myself and my English teacher Ms.Chick believing in me this year I am succeeding. Not only am I succeeding in English I am succeeding in all my classes.

I am doing absolutely amazing in all my classes with a completely new mentality of you can do anything if you just put in the hard work and believe that you are capable to be a winner. Where I am right now in my life is where I have always dreamed of being. I am happy and I know that I can succeed. I got accepted into my college of choice and I am doing so amazing in school. I got honors in my first semester and I plan to do the same again this semester. Last year I would’ve never seen myself actually doing so well in school and planning on going to college so I will have to say my life took an unexpected turn for the better.

Life is hard but when I think of where I am right now I automatically think of dory. Dory’s motto is just keep swimming. It’s like just keep pushing through the hard times and never give up on yourself. Dory herself struggles with something that would make school very hard or in life just hard, but she learns the value of just keep pushing to succeed and you will eventually get there. What I learned from all of this is it’s okay to struggle and it’s okay to not be the best at everything but don’t give up. Believe in yourself that you can do greatness and you will.


Photo by doug turetsky on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • lsturtevant20
    March 12, 2020 at 11:49 am 

    I am really glad that anatomy re-inspired your care for school and I hope that this semester goes as well as last semester! I loved your inclusion of the Dory gif at the beginning because it hinted at the message of the post from the start. Your organization was done very well and I liked how you gave a little background of who you are and what your experiences has been because it completely differs from how you feel now.

  • iveilleux20
    May 1, 2020 at 12:27 pm 

    Great story, I can relate. About a year ago today I was not in the right place. I ended up getting kicked out of my house because of smoking. I didn’t care about my grades or changing at all. In the end, I realized that I was setting myself up for failure for my future. So then I did decide to change and I went back home and to my parents, I would change and so I did make a change. I got my grades up to a’s and b’s and made up four credits. I was very proud of myself for not giving up. I am glad that there are other people who don’t give up.

  • emousseau20
    May 13, 2020 at 1:16 pm 

    This blog post was very inspirational to me after reading it. I too have gone through hard times and this post will help me believe in myself a little more in future hard times. I am also very glad of the relation to Dory and I feel like the motto of Just keep swimming will be a huge help to me to keep on going no matter what.

  • bridley20
    May 14, 2020 at 1:12 pm 

    At least I’m not the only one who struggles in English, TREMENDOUSLY!! My sophomore year of high school was the worst high school experience of my life. I was so behind in all of my classes, not only English. I had no desire to do any school work and I just wanted school to be over. I even thought about going to Alternative, but then I thought I’m still going to school sooooo it doesn’t really matter. My sophomore year I failed my English 2 credit and my fall credit of flip. All because of my sophomore speech, so I finally had faith in myself and I finished it up in summer school. Come junior year I had such a good mindset on school because I did not want to go through what I went through my sophomore year. My junior year is one of my best years yet. I had honors and I actually was ahead of my English class….not behind. Senior year hasn’t been what I’ve always dreamed of at least. English, I have definitely struggled with this year but I’m so close to the end that I just have to keep on moving along. I like how you tied in Dory’s motto in this because it is 100% true and it’s also a giggle. I am so happy for you that you that you are doing absolutely amazing in school now. And it’s even better that you got expected into your choice of college. Just keep swimming.

  • eredmun20
    May 14, 2020 at 4:31 pm 

    I really liked the way you decribed your emotions in this. I relate to a lot of what you said, especially about wanting to give up on school. I am not the best student and I have definitely had moments when I thought I was not smart enough. This reminds me of how at the beginning of this year I was kind of unmotivated until I found out I only needed to take an extra class this semester to get a cord at graduation and that got me motivated to do well and I think I have definitely improved from my previous years in high school. I like your message here and I think it is definitely important to believe in yourself as you said.

  • ddumais20
    May 14, 2020 at 5:00 pm 

    This post was very moving. I know how it feels to put yourself down and to feel like giving up. I am so happy for you that your mindset changed and that you push yourself to be the best you can be. That shows you have a lot of strength and to overcome what you were feeling is amazing. So when overcoming this obstacle did you have motivation from your parents or friends? Or did you overcome this by yourself? Either way you should be extremely proud of yourself for the hard work that you put in.

  • kwalker20
    May 21, 2020 at 11:33 am 

    I am so happy that you found confidence in yourself because you are very smart and capable of doing anything life throws at you! I am so proud of you for making it to this point and being able to see you graduate. Keep believing in yourself and keep up your success at college!

  • khahn20
    May 25, 2020 at 2:38 pm 

    The lesson that this blog post is about is something that you will need all throughout life and will never leave. The confidence in yourself will make anything happen that you want to happen. This lesson can take people a long time to learn and I am so happy and proud of you that you found it now!! Congrats and never let it go !

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