TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Unexpected Success

My team made it to playoffs my senior year and it felt great knowing we are playing a team we know we can compete with. What came during that game was so unexpected, knowing they´re a strong team. We ended up dominating the match and so many unexpected events made this game such a weird outcome. It reminds me of the show Money Heist. Not because they both are about soccer, but because of how unexpected certain events of the story are and how much they helped. In Money Heist, the brain of all the team took such a risky yet rewarding strategic plane that worked for almost the whole show. It was such a huge surprise he did this and it was just so awesome how much it gained him and how much he was risking for his plan.
When I was playing in a playoff game against St. Doms High School; a team that was very well known for being good this year and played very strong against teams that were supposed to be the best in the division. During this game I went to cross the ball from the right side of the field near the corner flag to the center of the field in front of the 6th-yard line for one of my players. Unfortunately, the ball that I kicked as a cross to the other side was deflected by a defender. It was deflected towards their goal and it was a slow floater after the kick so I thought the goalie was just going to grab it, but for some weird reason he pulled his hands back and let it in. The ball floated top right while their whole team was confused on why their goalie let it in and wondering why he made that decision.

This was so unexpected by I am so glad it happened, especially against a team that was supposed to be so good. St. Doms was an excellent soccer team and for them to work so hard just to play like how they played against us was so unexpected and how I scored such a bad goal that they let in. This reminds me of the show Money Heist so much. Meanwhile, in Money Heist, a show about a very intelligent group of criminals organized by The Professor. The Professor was the mind and brain of them all and he organized such a talent group of criminals to break into a building that was manufacturing money so they could make their own and make millions. He was so smart, he even go on the side of the police and they did not even know. This was the most surprising thing of all. He got in with one of the detectives and player her the whole time without even her thinking a thing for almost the whole time. This gained so much control for them and made it so much easier to achieve their goal. This relates back to my playoff game against St. Doms because I, we really wanted to get to the second round of the playoffs because I have never been able to nor any of my senior friends and we worked so hard to get there. When their goalie let my goal in I knew we were going to win. The other team was already frustrated that we were up 1 – 0 and now since that just happened and their goalie let it in. They were rattled and I knew we would win. I was so ecstatic. While they were so frustrated and we were so focused on getting through to the next game nothing was stopping us. We worked so hard and for that goalie to mess up everything for them was such a huge surprise and we were amazed how such a great goalie did that. With that happening the game ended with us on top winning 5 – 1. Definitely not what I was expecting to happen. Just like in Money Heist when The Professor got in with the detective. This was just a huge surprise. Just like how my second playoff game ever was basically a blow out and it felt so good and meant so much to everyone on my team and parents.
In the end, both my story about my soccer playoff game and the show Money Heist had such dramatic and unexpected events that occurred during them. I would have never expected my team to blow out another team that was competing against such great teams and being one place below us. Realistically should have been a close game instead of a blow out. Just like in Money Heist how The Professor did so many unexpected things that lead to so much success for him and his team. Each event was so unexpected, and both leading to such success and gaining so much from it. Both events being so different and not relating at all both lead to an unexpected result of a blow out and of The Professor taking full control. It´s crazy how two completely different events led to almost the same unexpected ending of success.

Photo by acase1968 on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • jfuller20
    March 6, 2020 at 12:30 pm 

    This is a great story. I did not know that this happened in the game.

    • nsoucy20
      May 29, 2020 at 2:13 pm 

      Yes this did happen, it was quite the goal to watch and kicked off our great playoff winning game.

  • abyras20
    March 11, 2020 at 5:39 pm 

    Great job! I like the part when you were able to get the ball into the goal! It is very unexpected that it went in. When you said “The ball floated top right while their whole team was confused on why their goalie let it in and wondering why he made that decision.” all I could think was that the goalie wanted Oak Hill to win maybe.

  • cvalliere20
    March 27, 2020 at 12:17 pm 

    That was a great job explaining your story, I thought you did a really nice job explaining and comparing your story to the show Money Heist. I like how you connected the two in multiple different areas.

  • mhall20
    March 30, 2020 at 6:39 pm 

    Awesome story Caleb I don’t think I will be forgetting that game for quite some time now. The memories we have shared throughout all the years of soccer will always be something I cherish. It was quite an amazing day, and I am glad I was able to share it with you. Great job Caleb 🙂

  • iveilleux20
    April 28, 2020 at 1:15 pm 

    This was a great story to relate to the show Money Heist. I have seen the show Money Heist and it’s pretty good. I can see why you related your soccer game to the Money Heist. Your team had a lot of luck which is great. It is like the team wanted you to win. The game is like the show, your team is good and the other team is good but you had more confidence going into the game. The other team felt less strong when you scored the first time just like in the show the police didn’t know what too because the people with the Dali masks were ahead of them.

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