TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Driving Mistakes

We are all human and all humans make mistakes. There has not been a single day where I have gone without making a mistake. I understand that everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. When I make mistakes I like to have my friends by my side to help me out. My friends help pick me up and help fix what I had messed up on. It is more embarrassing to have your friends there watching you when you mess up but it is better in the end because you will have them there to help you out.

My boyfriend and I had decided that we wanted to go to the homecoming dance. He really did not want to go but he said yes only to make me happy. I told him that I needed to buy a dress, but we were both very busy and never had the chance to go shopping. It was a week before the homecoming dance when I still did not have a dress, I was so stressed. I talked to my mom about it and she said that I could just wear another dress that I have already worn and I did not like that idea. Then she said go in your sister’s room and find a dress, so that is what I did. I went into my sister’s room and asked her if she had her dress she wore to spring fling the year before and she said it was right in her closet. I looked in her closet and found her dress, I tried the dress on and it fit. I was happy that I found something that I could wear, but also upset because I really wanted a new dress. It was three days before the homecoming dance when I asked my boyfriend if he had anything to wear. He said that he tried on his old button up shirt, but it did not fit him. There was only three days until the homecoming dance, and he had nothing to wear and we did not have time to go buy anything. I got upset because I knew that we were not going to be able to go but he told me to not worry about it, he would come up with something. So I did not worry about it. It was the night of the homecoming dance, and I was at my house getting ready. I had straightened my hair and was getting ready to put my dress on when my boyfriend arrived. He came inside, and I asked him if he figured anything out. He pulled out his red and white floral button up and khaki shorts. My dress was blue. He looked like he was wearing casual clothes and I was all dressed up. I looked at him and asked if he had anything else and he said no. He told me that he did not want to go to the dance because we did not match. I was obviously upset but he made a deal with me. If he took me out to eat instead of going to the dance, we could go to spring fling. My boyfriend hates going to school dances so of course I had to take that offer. We both finished getting ready and we hopped in the car and started driving to Olive Garden. I asked if he knew where he was going and he said yes, but I knew it was not a confident yes. I let him drive and I knew how to get there and we were not going the right way at all. I looked at him and said are you sure you know where you are going and he looked at me and said I have no idea. At this point I did not know where we were so I pulled out my phone and put in directions to Olive Garden. I laughed at him because he did not want to tell me he did not know where he was going. He was embarrassed, but I helped fix his mistake. This taught my boyfriend a lesson to just ask for directions when he does not know where he is going instead of getting lost.

Every year when the weather starts to get warmer and snow starts to melt, my driveway becomes super muddy. It is muddy to the point where we can not drive up my driveway or else we would create ruts and would ruin my driveway. We always have to start walking up my driveway so we do not ruin it. I forgot to tell my boyfriend that my driveway was bad so he started driving up it and it was very rough. He almost got stuck a few times but once he finally made it up he pulled into my lawn so he could back into the spot and once he put the car in reverse and pressed on the gas, the car did not move one bit. He tried and tried to get unstuck but it would not move. I had never been stuck in the mud like this so I had no idea what I was doing but he told me to get in the driver’s seat anyway so he could try to push the car. I did not want to get out of the car because of all the mud so I climbed into the driver’s seat and as I put my foot down it slipped and I pushed on the gas and a bunch of mud spit up and got all over my boyfriend. I thought he was going to be so mad at me and I felt terrible. I told him it was an accident and he just told me to try to rock the car so we could get in unstuck. He taught me how to do that, and he told me to remember this because it would help me when I get stuck. We finally got unstuck, and I thanked him for that important lesson. When we got inside I helped clean the mud off of him and luckily he had an extra pair of clothes so I could put his dirty clothes in the washer. I told him that I was sorry and I did not do it on purpose, he accepted the apology. He was able to teach me something that is good to know and he helped me through it.

Both of these stories connect because both of us helped each other when we needed it and we both learned a lesson from it. I did not get mad at my boyfriend when he got us lost and he did not get mad at me when I messed up and spit a bunch of mud all over him. We each forgave each other for the mistakes that we made and we both learned from our experiences.

Photo by charlie cars on / CC BY


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  • emousseau20
    May 13, 2020 at 12:49 pm 

    I love how well written this post is. It really brings to light how helpful it is to have someone there to help accept a mistake and move on. To clarify, it is super helpful to have a friend by your side so that each of you can forgive one another and help each other out getting through mistakes. It is better to forgive them and help them move on because you make mistakes too and then they can forgive you and help you move on even like you mentioned.

  • astrout20
    May 14, 2020 at 7:47 pm 

    I understand how embarrassing it can feel to not know something when you thought you did. Being corrected is never very fun. But I think it’s good you guys were able to just laugh it off and move along. I know other couples that would fight about it then get mad when they realize they are wrong then fight some more. It’s never worth all the fighting just to be right.

  • kwalker20
    May 18, 2020 at 5:27 pm 

    Awesome stories! They were both very informative, humorous and relatable. I think they both have really great take away lessons. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and to not get mad at one another when a mistake is made, because it can make the situation worse.

  • khahn20
    May 25, 2020 at 2:18 pm 

    I think that these two stories are stories that a lot of people can relate to. I can relate to them for sure, I had the matching problem with prom but it worked out for me and I have gotten stuck in my car and I was in the same situation as you where I did not know at all what I was doing. Great stories!!

  • khahn20
    May 25, 2020 at 2:19 pm 

    I think that these two stories are stories that a lot of people can relate to. I can relate to them for sure, I had the matching problem with prom but it worked out for me and I have gotten stuck in my car and I was in the same situation as you where I did not know at all what I was doing.

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