TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Friends, what a lovely thing to have. Friends are needed in times of need and distress. I am sure you have heard of a friend that is there when needed, and being a friend when needed and for me I had that, and still do. Starting with my friend Emily. Emily and I go way back, like way back. We have been friends since Kindergarten, so that’s when we were five years old, we are 17 now. Emily has been my friend for 12 years. Growing up Emily and I were glued by the side, spending all the time we could. This insisted on living at eachothers house every weekend, and hanging out after school everyday. Emily and I have had other friends too, but those friends have come and gone, and Emily and I always stay together. Also may I add Emily was my first friend that was a girl, before that I went to daycare with all guys, so I only had guy friends, so it was about time I was friends with a girl. So this was weird to me, I was used to all the boys in my daycare, and I never was friends with a girl, but somehow it worked out. 

Emilys been there everytime I needed her, and I’ve been there for her too. It’s been like that forever. My first memory of being there for Emily was when she chose to cut her hair like her dads, this was in 1st grade. Emily’s dad had short hair, and Emily wanted to have the same hair. So you can only imagine how that went. Emily had boy short hair, and not everyone liked it as much as she did. I remember one day on the Wales Central School playground around 12pm, 11 years ago, I stood up for Emily. One kid came up to Emily, and made a not so nice comment. He said  “you look like a boy”, he was a 4th grader, we were 1st graders, but I didn’t heist, I turned and looked at him and yelled, “she is not a boy!!!”, even though it was something small, that was the first time Emily knew that I was a friend especially when needed. Sticking up for her gave her that friend when it was needed. This was the first time I gave her that friend she needed. This was not a big deal, but it was a small step for what was going to come in our never ending friendship. It was still a little thing, but it definitely made Emily feel better about her situation, and let me tell you, she never cut her hair like that again. 

Now bringing it all the way to sophomore year. Emily was there for me when I needed a friend the most. As best friends, Emily and I were dating best friends, so we would always hangout with our boyfriends together, always going on double dates, as in going out to eat or hanging out at someones house. We were sophomores in high school, and best friends for 10 years. I started dating a boy, and I set Emily and his best friend up, and they started dating.  It was really fun all of us hanging out together. But as all good things come to an end, so did this. My boyfriend and I were having many issues, and I knew it was best to break up. At this time Emily and I were a part of a friend group with two other girls, they were all my best friends at the time, Emily however being my number one best friend. Emily’s boyfriend, and all the girls in my friend group knew we needed to break up, and this was hard for me, it was my first relationship. As I broke up with my boyfriend, a lot in my life changed. My ex boyfriend was not happy, and started to turn all my friends against me. I was really sad, and felt like no one was my friend. Then one of the girls in my friend group started talking to my ex boyfriend, and I lost her as my friend. He started taking all my friends away from me, but there was Emily. 

Emily knew what was happening, and she was the friend I needed. I continued to hangout with Emily and her boyfriend. This was something I appreciate a lot. When I broke up with my boyfriend I felt really lonely, but Emily was always there to pick me up and make me feel better. Her and her boyfriend always hangout with me, and got me out of that awful place I was in. Emily gave me a friend when I needed it most, and really helped me get through an awful time, and this is just one example of many. 10 years apart, I helped Emily from being called a boy, and she later helped me through an awful breakup. This is about what a best friend is. Someone who is always there for you no matter what, whether it’s a ride to school, a call at 2a.m, or a hard breakup. Emily is someone, along others too, I can always count on, and always there if I need her for 12 years and counting. 

Emily and I have many great memories together, such as going to Florida together three times, and also going to the Domincan together. From learning how to spell together to working at Oak Hill Cash together we have done it all. Every step of the way we have been there for eachother the small things, and the big things. I do not know where I would be without my best friend, and I do not want to find out. One day Emily and I will be in the nursing home together, still best friends, cracking jokes, and making fun of each other. She was my first best friend and hopefully a long term best friend, through it all.

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  • nmarcotte20
    April 28, 2020 at 3:29 pm 

    This is a very nice post about friendship, and a friendship like this, lasting a long time, is hard to come by. I have my close friends too, but I have either lost them overtime, or haven’t known them as long as you have known Emily. Reading this article made me think of my high school years, and all the friends I have made or lost during the 4 years.

  • dbauer20
    May 14, 2020 at 7:01 pm 

    E definitely is a great friend everyone wants to have. I remember the first day E showed up to Wales Central School with her hair like that and the trouble people used to give her about her short hair and how close you were even way back then. You guys have have definitely come a long way.

  • eahlberg20
    May 24, 2020 at 2:31 pm 

    I like how you used the most embarrassing memory I have about Wales Central in your story! But it is a true story and I did it to myself haha! I like how you used very personal examples in this as well, even if other people don’t realize how much one situation means to us I do! Like all the times we have gone through break ups and we have been there for each other, we’ve always been there for each other! I really appreciate you Mac <3

  • jaldridge20
    May 27, 2020 at 12:23 pm 

    Having close friends is one of the best feelings because you always have somewhere who will be there for you no matter what. Emily seems like a great friend and someone who would always be there for you, and I myself have friends that are the same way and would do anything for me. Close friends are the best.

  • jhackett20
    May 28, 2020 at 5:47 pm 

    You two seem like you have an amazing relationship. Long friendships mean so much and i’m so glad you two are still just as close. Did you two ever have a falling out? I have maybe 1 lifelong friend and I adore our friendship. I love all of my friends that I have now but there is something about having a friend that knows everything about you that is comforting. Never lose that!

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