TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Zoinks Scoob!

In all those teen movies you always see people falling in love with their best friends brother. Well, my life is no teen movie but I did fall for my brothers best friend. We have known each other since he started playing football on my brothers team, which my dad was the coach of. My dad coached my brothers football teams since he was old enough to play flag football. When my brother was in 3rd grade a kid with long, shaggy, blonde hair moved to litchfield and joined my brother and dads football team. His name is Austin, but there were already 2 other Austins on the team so instead my dad called him Shaggy and it stuck. Shaggy would come to my house for football things, then as Matthew got older he started coming over to hangout as friends not just teammates. I am 3 years younger than both of them so whenever they were home so was I. We would interact with each other just through my brother and were only friends because of my brother. But as we got older things changed.

Two summers ago my brother became very obsessed with board games and playing any type of game. He would have a big group of his friends over at least once a week, and Shaggy was one of the people that came over consistently. When summer ended Matthews obsession with games didn’t end so he kept having people over. Shaggy wasn’t going to college so his schedule was very open to come over whenever Matthew asked. Soon it was just Shaggy coming over to play games because the rest of Matthew’s friends had work or college to attend. Since Shaggy was coming over so much it was just natural that we became closer and by Thanksgiving I had a crush on him.

I was scared to like him. He is older, in college, and my brother’s best friend. I had many worries, like how were my parents going to be ok with that if we wanted to date? How was Matthew going to react? But my worries couldn’t stop my feelings. We were texting all day everyday. Each time he came over it became more for me and less for Matthew, which meant, he liked me too. I started to miss him when he wasn’t around and he consumed my thoughts. By Christmas there was no denying my feelings for him. But I was too scared to tell anyone, especially him.

In January we spent a lot of time away from each other because we both went of vacations, but my feelings didn’t fade. February was when things started to happen. Shaggy would come over and Matthew wouldn’t even be there. One night I finally got the courage to text him and tell him I liked him. It was such a scary thing to do, especially because he didn’t say it back. But the next night Shaggy and I stayed up watching TV after everyone was in bed. We were on the couch watching TV and Shaggy got up to use the bathroom and when he sat back down it was right next to me. Our legs almost touching. I got butterflies in my stomach. “Did he sit that close on purpose? No it must have been an accident” I thought to myself.  Then our hands ended up touching, and neither of us pulled away. “Why didn’t he pull his hand away? Is he trying to hold my hand? Does he WANT to hold my hand??” all racing through my head. His hand ended up closing around mine, making it very obvious it was intentional. In one of our late night talks I had told him how I have never been kissed first. No guy ever has the guts to just make the first move and kiss me. I said to him, “if you think a girl wants to be kissed, then she probably does.” So as I was mid sentence, he grabbed my face, pulled it in and gave me the best first kiss ever.

I was so scared to tell anyone that we were together because I didn’t know how they would react. Me dating my brother’s best friend that grew up coming over to my house could seem like fate to some people, but to others it could look creepy. I was mostly concerned with what my parents were going to say. They have known him for so long, they saw him grow up. What if they don’t allow it? And my brother, what if he thinks I’m just trying to steal his friend. I ended up telling my parents and my brother and none of them seemed surprised or like they cared. Apparently I’m kinda obvious when I like someone. It’s just like in the new spiderman movies. Peter Parker was scared to tell anyone about him being spiderman but when he did they were fine with it. He was all worried for nothing, much like I was.

Photo by Mark Strozier on / CC BY


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  • ddumais20
    May 11, 2020 at 12:15 pm 

    This is EXACTLY like the movies! You said how your family felt about you two but how did your friends react? Did your friends support you or did they just not really care. I really enjoy reading love stories and this one melted my heart. Overall this is a great story that I really enjoyed reading.

  • jnoel20
    May 18, 2020 at 11:50 pm 

    Such a sweet story, I like how you compared yourself to spider man. How he was keeping a secret he thought was scary but wasn’t at all. How ironic would it be if you guys were watching spider man while this happened?

  • gwoodard20
    May 29, 2020 at 9:53 pm 

    I remember when you first started to catch feelings for him and you were right on the dime with how you told it to me. I love this story to this day, and your love story is such a true, genuine story, it makes my heart skip a beat. I am so happy for you and all you’ve been through. I enjoyed reading this, and am impressed with the detail.

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