TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


On a beautiful sunny day in June where there was not a cloud in the sky. The weather was very nice and warm out. My family decided to go for a huge hike up a mountain. We decided to go to Mt.Katadin. My family looked up how far it was the night before and it said about 6 hours so we planned it out right. We also looked up the weather the night before and it told us it was going to be really sunny out with no rain. My family woke up the next day around 4 in the morning to get ready and leave so that we would have some time to start hiking before it got to dark out. The drive was awful up because it took so long and I did not want to be in the car after the 2nd hour I just wanted to get there and kinda wanted it to just be over. I took a long nap so I would feel ready to hike up that big mountain. Once we had gotten there the sun was shining and we knew it was going to be a good hike. We had nothing to worry about. It was just going to be the best hike we have every done.

About a hour into the hike it started to get very gloomy outside like it was going to rain or something. But then we looked at the weather and it said it was not going to rain so we kept on going up the mountain. Then about 30 minutes later we did not expect it and it started to downpour. We had no idea on what to do. We were not going to run down the mountain because that could be very dangerous and someone could break a leg or even a ankle doing it. So we slowly started to go down and then we heard thunder and then there was lighting and then everything started to happen. It was all happening at once and we did not know what to do. We started to just go down because we were not just going to stand there and wait until everything was done because then we would be soaked in water and we would have very cold. It was extremely hard to go down the mountain because it was all wet and I could of slip so many times. We finally made it down in like 2 hours. We were not thinking and did not bring any extra clothes so I had to sit in wet clothes the entire way home and it was not fun. I was really cold even with the heat all the way up in the middle of summer. We had stopped at a gas station so my mom could get gas for her car so we did not get stuck on the side of the road somewhere. When she was pumping gas I remember she always has a bag with clothes out back in her trunk and sure enough I went to go look in the trunk there was some. I was honestly so happy. We did not expect this at all. All we thought it was going to be a good day and it turned out to be a awful day. As the blog said expect the unexpected and we did for sure. We did not see any of this coming at all.

I can relate this to the movie Grown Ups because in a part of there movie a group of guys went out into the woods and they were about to play a game that they had played when they were kids. They were to shoot the arrow up in the air and see who was the last person to stand in the same spot as it went down. They did not expect it to go so high they got blinded by the light and could not see where the arrow was anymore. Then they all booked it towards every which way and no one had any idea on where they were going they just all ran for it except for one person because he had a cast on his foot and did not know what to do. They ran as far as they could but kept tripping on everything. Except for one he had it the worst and he got it into the foot and had to go to the hospital and that was it for him. He was in pain for a very long time. They also experience except the unexpected because they did not know it was going to turn out like that.

Photo by artupp on / CC BY


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  • emousseau20
    May 13, 2020 at 12:59 pm 

    I can really relate to this experience! I can verify that what you think is going to be a good day can turn out to be an awful day, even because of the weather. When I was little, my family and I had gone to the beach with my cousins which was going to be really fun. However, no sooner had we gotten there and went right into the water when a thunderstorm came and it rained for the rest of the day. I didn’t get to spend it on the beach with my cousins like I had so looked forward to.

  • jhackett20
    May 18, 2020 at 1:47 pm 

    OMG!! I was there that day why didn’t you come find me? I had a terrible fall when the thunderstorm hit… I was in a coma for 2 days bro. The first strike of lightnight hit and I instantly feel to the ground. Im so glad you came out of it ok. I can agree with everything you just said because well… I was there so no fake news here yall.

  • mfletcher20
    May 18, 2020 at 10:36 pm 

    Wow! The weather people had a hard time with telling the weather that day! That must have been a disaster. The weather apps seem to not work to well! One time I checked the weather and it told me that it was going to be sunny, so I went hiking on Mt. Pisgh, and it started to down pour! So frustrating!!!!!

  • jnoel20
    May 18, 2020 at 11:31 pm 

    This sounds like a crazy day for sure. Definitely a series of unexpected events came your way. I like how you related it to the arrow scene in Grown Ups, though I do feel like that part in the movie wasn’t very unexpected because they did it to themselves. The explanation was very good though.

  • cvalliere20
    May 26, 2020 at 2:22 pm 

    I thought it was great how you told the story with such detail I was able to envision what the scene looked like as you were telling it. Amazing movie comparison as well because I agree with that comparison.

  • mryder20
    May 29, 2020 at 2:15 pm 

    Good story! Maybe next time you could bring some extra clothes and you could even pack a portable, small umbrella. Also, for the long and boring car ride, I would pack some headphones and download some music to make the drive more enjoyable. You could even bring a rain poncho in case this happens again.

  • twright20
    May 29, 2020 at 9:13 pm 

    Good story, one time I used to walk around town with my friends and one day it started to down pour on us, very tough situation. I also like the movie that you compared it to!

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