TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends Keep Me Focused

Friends are very important, especially in times like these when we are all struggling to cope with the changes in our day to day lives. Normally right now, all of us seniors would be walking the halls and sitting in class talking, laughing, making memories with our friends before the end of the year when we ultimately would be saying a farewell to each other. We’d be having lunches together, participating or watching spring sports and cheering on our friends, we’d have been beating out the other classes at spring fling, attending marching practices and finding out who we were marching with, we’d be getting ready to say goodbye. And along with all of this, our friends are the ones who would be keeping us sane, keeping us on task, making sure we are okay. But in this crazy situation, we find ourselves in, we are all stuck at home and not getting these important last memories we were looking forward to with our friends. And it is hard to cope with. But that does not mean we are alone even when it feels so.

I am very grateful to have the friends I do. Throughout this quarantine, I have had countless facetimes and text messages with friends just to check in and see how each other is doing. We talk about anything from what cute or annoying thing our pets are doing, to talking about how we are struggling to find the motivation to do school because being at home is not the ideal place to be for all of this. I know I have been having a difficult time being motivated to do work while at home. But it is because I have the friends I do that I am getting work done. Just this morning I was on facetime with two of my best friends and they were helping me to come up with an idea for this very blog post. I had absolutely no idea what to do and was about to give up and move on. But my friends helped me to take a breath and we chatted for a while and they told me what their plan was and it gave me a little insight on what I should write for mine. And here it is. Yes, I know it is not the BEST idea, but if you are reading this then it must have been good enough I suppose.

This has happened a lot over this time away. Whenever I am having trouble focusing or having a day that I am feeling really down about what is happening, I will call or text my friends and we will chat for hours about whatever I need, whether that be school or not. They help keep me on task so I do not aimlessly scroll through my Facebook feed or watch random cat videos or look at dumb memes. Anything they can do to keep me on task is always very helpful. And the same goes for when they are having a hard time, need help, or just want to talk about how crap their work day was. I will almost always answer a call from one of my friends and no matter what, I will do my best to cheer them up or make them laugh even more if they are having a good day.

This is probably the longest I have gone without seeing my friends, as I am sure it is the same for most others as well, and even though I wish more than anything that all of this could be done with so we can go back to making those memories, phone calls, facetimes, and texts will have to do for now. Helping each other get through these times is the most important thing we can all do.

Photo by Travis Isaacs on / CC BY


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  • kwalker20
    May 14, 2020 at 11:21 am 

    I am in the same boat right now. Sometimes, especially being a senior, it is hard to find the motivation to complete work. however, I also have amazing friends who are alays on the other side of a text willing to help me. I really like how you show the strong connection you and your friends have.

  • bridley20
    May 14, 2020 at 12:46 pm 

    I love this log post because I relate to it so much. I have very few friends but I can count on them more than I could when I had a large amount of friends. It sucks being stuck inside with nothing to do or no one to hang out with. Facetiming friends a do a lot also, like group facetimes with multiple people. I only have at least on true friend that I can actually count on to give me advice, to give me motivation in school or to even just cheer me up. Although, my dad is letting me hang out with only one of my friends, only her house and mine no where’s else. I mean we go to Aroma Joe’s too, it’s a must have. But, I would have to agree that this is not how I planned on spending my senior year, at the least. I would much rather be waking up at 7:30 and driving to school everyday than waking up at 11:30 everyday and joining my zoom classes, which is hard to learn something virtually. And, I would much rather be making memories with all my class mates. All we can do is hope for the best in the future though.

  • ddumais20
    May 14, 2020 at 4:00 pm 

    Yes things are completely different and at times very hard to deal with. These times are not easy, for the first time I wish I was at school, seeing my teachers and seeing everybody else. I miss it and I wish that we all could have a regular end of the school year and a regular graduation. I also am having a hard time staying on top of my school work, it is hard to be focused on school when it feels like you’re on vacation. I have been spending a lot more time with my boyfriend and it has been really good to have someone that is going through the same thing as me. Yes everyone is having a hard time but we are going to get through it and the good thing is we will never forget our senior year.

  • astrout20
    May 14, 2020 at 8:15 pm 

    You are so lucky to have friends that are that genuine and care about each other so much. I’ve gone through high school without that for the most part. Maybe it’s my fault cause I close myself off but it is what it is. Everything getting canceled has put such a damper on our entire senior year and honestly it makes it feel like working hard and getting good grade was for nothing. I just hope we all make it through this and get to move on.

  • hvinal20
    May 15, 2020 at 1:57 pm 

    Seeing how a friend can help motivate you to do you own work and make sure you do what is needed is quite common, and it is great to see how friends are able to help you make sure you get all your work done. I liked where you said you would also help your friends with work and stay motivated because it is a great feature of having close friends!

  • khahn20
    May 25, 2020 at 2:27 pm 

    I can relate to this story so much! This is an amazing story and an amazing friendship. I love how you explained the friendship and it sounds like such a genuine friendship to have. Im glad that throughout all the distance you guys have made it work and made the best of the circumstances you have, it speaks volumes for both of you guys characters!! Thank you for sharing this.

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