TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Lending a Helping Hand

My friend for a really really long time, since kindergarten to be exact, has helped me and I have helped her countless amount of times. From big situations to small. From homework to boyfriend. Anything you can think of we have been there for each other. At the end of our sophomore year, going into our junior year of high school, was the prime time were a lot of people were getting their license.

My birthday is in March and hers in June. I was excited to get mine in march but things came up and I wasn’t able to get it. So May, June, July rolls around and my friend got her license and was given a car from her parents for her birthday. I was saving up for a car, and I still didn’t have my license, so when I needed something I would ask her and she would be willing to bring me places and do things with me since I couldn’t really go anywhere because I didn’t have my license. We went to the beach, the bank, into town to get some random things, Walmart trips, and more. All I needed to do was send a simple text asking, “hey are you busy? I could really use a ride to the bank,” or “Its supposed to be really nice out today, do you want to go to the beach?” Of course, like any good friend she didn’t make me give her any gas money since we did these things together. A year rolls around, I finally had my license and I had finally saved up for a car. Coincidentally, at the beginning of our senior year of high school, he car had broke down.

Returning the favor, I picked her up from her house before school, and sometimes we’d even go to Dunkin to get a drink for school. I didn’t make her pay me gas money because I knew she had done the same for me the previous year. I would bring her a couple times a week and sometimes she’d have someone else bring her, which was totally up to her. I would’ve brought her anywhere she needed because she didn’t have a car at the time and I knew how that felt. I didn’t want to be the friend that gets a favor done for me and doesn’t return it.

Even to this day, if we are going somewhere together we switch it up on who is driving so it is only fair. We don’t make each other pay for gas money or anything like that. We are both happy to be there for each other and lend a helping hand when needed.

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  • mfletcher20
    May 15, 2020 at 12:10 pm 

    Wow! I think I know exactly who this friend is, haha. Emily your the best and this post was so sweet and nice, thanks for being my best friend forever! thanks for all the rides since the good ole equinox, kinda stopped working! So happy you saved up for car, and was able to buy one!

  • emousseau20
    May 15, 2020 at 1:07 pm 

    I really enjoyed the message you were able to relay through this blog post. It was really meaningful and painted the perfect picture of what a good, genuine friendship should be like. Reading this even gave me inspiration to make sure that my friendships are very similar with treating each other nicely and fairly and just truly being genuine.

  • hvinal20
    May 15, 2020 at 2:51 pm 

    It is awesome to here about how a friend will always be there to help someone when they cannot do it themselves, and to see you do that in return to your friend as a simple point of friendship is great! Awesome to here a close friendship that results in benefits for both parties.

  • jnoel20
    May 18, 2020 at 2:56 pm 

    This is a well written blog about times in need for both of you, it is definitely convenient that you both live so close to each other too. Great story Em!

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