TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Adventures of the Lost Baseball

Creativity is the bases of all creation; but it is not that obvious, they both start with create. Children foremost have more creativity than any age range in the world. Always connoting some object to a completely different, creative response. In a kid’s world entertainment is the source of everything, turning nothing into and something is a child’s mentality.

When I was a child I was extremely creative, turning insignificant objects in my everyday life into a toy to keep myself entertained for hours. This process was similar to my sister, and the process would go through with a metal baseball bat found sitting around in my dad’s workshop. But to use a baseball bat is it not obvious that one will need a baseball to use in order to hold a functional game for entertainment.

With the predicament, my sister and I were facing we took it upon ourselves to look around the property in order to hopefully find this baseball to make a matching set with a baseball bat. Starting at the most obvious place my sister and I would look through the area we found the baseball bat to hopefully luck out and not have to look long, as expected we were greeted with a fruitless endeavor. Searching the entire garage, two-story house, two-story barn, and fields my sister and I would never find fruition in our attempts to find entertainment.

My sister came up with the idea to simply ask my father where the baseballs were kept, it would seem a simple solution to a simple problem and we would find the missing baseball to complete our set. It was no game in more than one way as me and my sister would not be able to find this baseball through simple means. Without a simple solution to our simple problem, we would be forced to use creativity.

Creativity is a powerful force in a child’s world, and that creativity can be dangerous or brilliance. With no choice but to substitute the baseball for something of a ball-shaped origin. My sister and I would walk through our house, searching room after room; going upstairs to check both kitchens, both bathrooms, all the rooms; venturing downstairs to check anything around the washing machine and dryer or the fermenting room, no ball. We would move our way into the garage checking in between the go-cart and the motorcycle and all spaces around, making our way into my father’s wood shop checking all cracks and crevices looking on, under, and between all the wood planks, taking a turn into the car workshop looking into the drop-down in the floor where you would work under the car, checking in the toolboxes finding nothing we were allowed to use in our friendly game of baseball, moving to the second floor of the workshop we would find our clubhouse, once again, no ball.

One last place to look for this baseball in order to fulfill our hopes of having fun, the barn was filled with animals and hay so as we looked on the first and second floor would we find nothing; the hayloft was empty of baseballs, as well as the animal pens, the pasture, around the barn, fields of the property and anywhere we could think to look.

Through the process of looking for an exact object to play our, hopefully, game of baseball together we never came to the conclusion of using a substitute for the baseball. The trip to find this object was coming to a simple solution, a simple solution of which we were always hoping to have the entire time. We were taking time to obtain an object that would give us fun, but it was not the object that would give us fun but unexpectedly it would be the process of obtaining this object that would give me and my sister fun.

After all this adventure and having an extremely fun experience of borderline hide and go seek with an inanimate object, my sister and I came to the conclusion that we should not always expect the unexpected. If we knew exactly what the outcome would be we would not take the process of looking for this baseball and not have had the fun that we would have from experiencing the adventures of the lost baseball.

Everything happens in order, it’s not destiny and it’s not fate. However, each event in one’s life is to be taken in too the fullest and just feeds off the event before it and feeds into the event after it. One cannot expect the unexpected nor can they plan for exactly what is going to happen as life is ever fluctuating and never to be questioned. The outlook on life is made to not be expected, for one cannot expect how they will live.

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  • eredmun20
    May 18, 2020 at 2:19 pm 

    This story was very enjoyable to read! I find this very relatable because my brother and I used to go out behind our trailer and in the woods looking for ways to have fun and entertain ourselves whenever we didn’t have something to do. I agree, creativity is a big part of a child’s life and can sometimes be dangerous but also great. Just wondering, did you and your sister ever find the baseballs?

  • kwalker20
    May 18, 2020 at 5:14 pm 

    Great story of you and your sister! I really love how your use of details really bring your readers along with you on your adventure through your barn and garage. My brother and I also had to create our own fun as children. One of our favorite pastimes was to take our resuable- plastic leaf bags, crawl inside them and roll down our backyard hill. Sometimes creativity is the best way to have a fun day with your siblings.

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