TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

I got your back

Growing up I have been friends with pretty much the same people for most of my life, what that means is that we all have a strong bond and we all get along and know each other pretty well. We know how to get on each others nerves but we also know how to cheer each other up, which is always good for friendships. This is a story about the time that a friend of mine had my back, and a time where I was there for my friends.

It was a late weekend night and all of the boys texted the group chat and decided that we would all go to Applebees that night, we got there and it was already pretty late after everyone was out of work and stuff so it was about nine and it was not super packed anymore. The six of us sat down at the table, Me, Brandon, Beryl on one side, and Matt, Evan and Caleb all sat on the other side. We all sat down and ordered our drinks, then we got those and we ordered our food. We were at the restaurant for quite a while just chatting back and forth after we were done eating, but… when it came time to pay the bill, Beryl messed up somewhere and his check was a bit over what he had with him, it was no big deal we just wanted to know where or how he messed up and ordered too much. Evan and I both gave Beryl a few bucks and he was able to pay for his total bill and leave a tip, which was fine by us because we didn’t want him to get in trouble or have to call his parents for money. Helping out friends in this way is not always like hey you have to pay me back, its more of a “If I ever need help, you better be there for me” which is how it should work with your close friends. You guys should always have each others back and help one another out if they ever need it.

A time where my friends helped me out, my friends are almost always there for me whenever I need it and with that being said there are a lot of moments I could choose from but I am going to choose one that relates back to when I helped out a friend of mine. It was a late night and Brandon, Beryl, and I were on our way home from Freeport, we just went there to see all the lights on the trees and walk around from store to store. I bought a few things there and used most of my money but they wanted to go out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings in Topsham, which is where we went next on our way home. We got there and it was getting pretty late, around nine I would say and there was quite a few people at Buffalo Wild Wings. Mostly because of games and other things that were going on so people just wanted to watch them, but we got our seats and all ordered drinks and just talked until our waitress came back with our drinks. We then ordered our actual meals and I was pretty sure that I had enough money to pay for everything that I got so I went with it and got what I usually do. The waitress brought our food back out to us and it looked amazing, I was actually starving because I didn’t eat when we were in Freeport and we stayed there for quite a long time. I was eating all of my food and it was delicious, they both said that they enjoyed their food as well so it seemed like a successful trip to me. About ten to fifteen minutes had passed and everyone was completely done their food, the waitress came by and asked the usual “any room for dessert” like they do everywhere, and none of us got it. We were so full at this point that we just wanted to get the check and head home. We waited around another five minutes to get our checks back, but we knew going to Buffalo Wild Wings was not going to be a fast trip, they usually take a while for things. We took our bills and looked them over and got out our money, Brandon and Beryl both took out their money to pay, this is when I realized that I was about $5 short of being able to pay my bill, somehow I was short, even when I thought I had enough. Brandon offered to give me the few bucks I needed to pay the rest of my bill and I was able to pay the bill and leave a tip because he gave me $7 instead of just the $5 which was great. We all gave the waitress our bills and I just told her to keep the change, they both paid with cards so we had to wait a few more minutes. The waitress came back with our cards and she was super nice about everything, we left the restaurant, got back in my car and headed home. First stop was to drop Beryl off at his house, then Brandon got picked up at my house and went home from there.

These stories have taught me that having strong friendships mean that you are willing to help each other out when you are in the need of help, and in both of these cases that was true. I have some pretty good friends and I am glad that they have helped me and I hope they will continue to help me when I need it. I also enjoy that I can repay them by helping them out whenever they need it. Both of the stories that I told connect in the same way, and they both show a time where my friends helped me out and then I did the same for them at a different time, what comes around goes around.

Photo by phossil on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • mfletcher20
    May 18, 2020 at 10:19 pm 

    Wow, J! Reading this I really relate to it, in the same way as you do, that happened to me and my friends many times, and honestly it shows you what real friends are for. It has happened many times with the “hey can you get me dunkin?”, and they return the favor with getting you next time. It is such refreshing feeling knowing that your friends really do always have your back!

  • ibell20
    May 18, 2020 at 11:55 pm 

    I really enjoyed your stories! Also I enjoyed it because of the fact I was there in both situations. I really appreciate the time you were there for me, and I will continue to do so as well for you! Friendship comes in many ways and is something that many people can always value or relate to in some importance. As for many of my friends have been there for me in many times, I will always do the same back for them as well.

  • mkronstrand20
    May 18, 2020 at 11:58 pm 

    Great post! I really liked how in your 2nd paragraph has a lesson in the end when you said you guys should have each others backs. I really like how you put your friend first even if you were upset that you couldn’t just let your friend deal with the consequences of not having enough money to pay for his bill. which shows how good of a friend you are.

  • caleighton20
    May 22, 2020 at 2:45 pm 

    I love how you talk about how close you guys all are and how you hope they always got your back because you know that you will always have theirs. this blog was super easy to follow and understand what you were trying to get at and I really liked it and it allowed me to connect to it personally because I also feel the same way about my friends and how I have their backs and I hope they will always have mine.

  • twright20
    May 22, 2020 at 7:04 pm 

    This story is pretty funny because I also wrote about a time when I had to give someone extra money because they thought they had enough money for their bill but they ended up not having enough. But like you said it’s not really a big deal as long as they would do it for us also.

  • elovering20
    May 26, 2020 at 12:44 am 

    This was a very good blog. I like how you went into detail about where you guys were, and how everyone was sitting. Its almost like I was there. It takes a good friend like you to always have another friends back. I know if I was in this same situation I would of helped, and gave money for the same reasons you said.

  • lrodrigue20
    May 27, 2020 at 3:26 pm 

    Really good story J! I liked how you set up the story. First how you helped a friend out, then how you all had each others backs. It was really nice of you to give a friend a few bucks, even though you really didn’t want to. I can relate to this story because I’ve been there to, having to help a friend out and having their backs. Great job!

  • nmarcotte20
    May 27, 2020 at 3:53 pm 

    This reminds me a lot about hockey season. We go out to eat pretty much every meal when we travel out of state. One time, the waitress put our entire meal on one tab, and everyone had paid their dues, but yet we came up 20 dollars short. All of us pitched in a little more money, and left a pretty good tip as well. We all had each others back on and off the ice. Very good blog post, and well written.

  • kstilkey20
    May 29, 2020 at 2:59 pm 

    This is a good story of a you and friends having each others backs. I just want to clarify if you guys paid each other back or not or was it like a moment where they had young and it was a good deed. I have done this before too i was in both positions as well.

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