TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

In Times Of Need

It was just like any other regular Saturday, stayed up the night before way too late watching Netflix and YouTube videos. It was up until sometime three in the morning that I decided I should probably go to bed as I didn’t make any plans for that specific day. Aside from jokingly talking to my friend about possibly heading to North Conway in New Hampshire with him on the following day I figured nothing was going to happen the next day. When I finally decided to go to bed I went out very quickly.

When I woke on Saturday I ended up waking up around nine o’ clockish then ended up falling back asleep as I was still tired. It wasn’t until twelve in the afternoon that I finally woke up, the first thing I did was check my phone and send my streaks on Snapchat after I finished that I saw that I had three missed calls and tons of messages from my two close friends. As I said I wasn’t expecting to do anything that day so I figured they might’ve wanted to play video games or something of that sort, but when I finished checking my message, all of a sudden they both decided they wanted to go to NH that day, which was surprising to me. Suddenly confused and kind of lackadaisical from just waking up I figured alright I’ll get out of bed soon. Then receiving a message that they were being serious about wanting to go, I decided to get out of bed and start cleaning my house, when I finally finished cleaning up the house about an hour had passed, so I had to quickly shower and figure out what I was supposed to do about my younger brother because obviously I wasn’t going to bring him all the way to New Hampshire. It was at this point that I called my grandmother to see if she could watch him for a little as this is what usually what happens when no one is home for the day to watch him. When she agreed to watch him she told me that she was going to be home shortly, it was at this point that I was running short on time, so I quickly put him in the shower, got him dressed, then I got in the shower after him. When I was finally ready to go my friend had already been waiting outside my house for about five minutes to drop my brother off with me at my grandmothers so I could go on this short trip with him. When we finally dropped my brother off we were off, it was a good trip on the way there without getting lost or having to turn around… At least it was a good trip up until my friend hit a massive pothole on the ground being unable to avoid it because of traffic on the opposite side to us. We figured it was fine apart from the car slamming into the ground. We continued and nothing was wrong with the tires. We made it all the way to New Hampshire and back to my house as it was a successful and perfectly fine shopping day aside from the events that had previously occurred.

When I had finally began to settle in and brought my bags inside, I immediately got a phone call afterward from my friend telling me he got a flat tire. In that moment, I sighed and figured of course, he did as this friend is prone to bad luck and gets flat tires a lot. He was not even all the way up the road, slightly passed my lawn so I decided to go outside and help him. We spent about an hour outside and even had to have my dad come help us change the tire until we were finally done. After a long but good day I finally got to go lay in bed and relax and that was the time I had to help out a friend. It wasn’t particularly my road that caused the tire but the countless of incidents previously in the day that caused it, as when my friend finally found out, he got the flat it was because of a nail being in the tire and the rim somehow getting bent.

Now for a time a friend helped me out one night was when me and the boys all decided to go to Applebees together for dinner and to celebrate our friends birthday I figured I had brought enough money, but unluckily I hadn’t and my friend had to spot about six dollars so that is a time in which, a friend helped me out.

Photo by Marufish on / CC BY-SA


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  • twright20
    May 22, 2020 at 5:24 pm 

    I can relate to thing in almost the same way just a little different. I had a friend that would fall asleep at the wheel and he was going home one night. He just left the camp that I was staying at. About 20 minutes later I got a call saying that he had to pull over because he thought he was going to fall asleep. I instantly got up and picked him up and I had another friend come with me to drive his car home. Scary situation but it was better for him to pull over and have us pick him up because some thing bad could have happened.

  • mkronstrand20
    May 25, 2020 at 10:04 pm 

    I really liked your post. I liked how you talked about helping your friend get the flat tire off. It shows how good of a friend you are. I wonder what would have been the problem if one of your friends didn’t help you out with your bill and how your friendship grew stronger or dwindled after they helped pay for your food. Or if you hadn’t helped your friend with the tire what would have happened.

  • jhenderson19
    May 27, 2020 at 2:45 pm 

    This story had plenty of highs and lows. This took the read, myself for a feeling like a roller coaster ride. From finding out your friend was serious and having to turn around and set everything up so you could go on the trip without having any or many complications. Was amusing to follow along with.

  • jaldridge20
    May 28, 2020 at 12:05 pm 

    This was a great story, and makes me think that you were a good friend because imagine if you left him to do it by himself, outside where it was probably really cold out. It just shows that friendship is great and having a good friend like that is really amazing. Great read!

  • jharris20
    May 28, 2020 at 8:22 pm 

    I like how you went to help your friend in need! It shows how caring and nice you really are for helping him out! Reminds me of times I helped my friends out

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