TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

More Than A Friend

On October 10th, 2019, I was driving home from a Fielders Choice visit after football practice. It was a great day, as I started to drive I rolled the windows down and was just chilling, jamming, to music and excited to get home. As I was driving I felt my phone vibrating and me being the responsible person I looked at my apple watch to see who it was, and it was my girlfriend’s mom. My girlfriend had a soccer game in Carrabec and I was waiting for a text from her. As I answered the phone confused I heard sobbing tears, and said “Is everything alright Kristel?” I hear an instant reply saying “This is Maddie, I’m in an ambulance right now, and I’m headed to the hospital. I collided with the goalie and I think I broke my leg.” My stomach turned into a knot and I started firing off questions, but Maddie’s mom took the phone. Kristel proceeded to say “We’re heading to Scarborough to get her x-rays.” I kind of sat in the car for a couple seconds confused and very worried. I asked Kristel if she wanted me to come see her? She said she would let me know. As I got home and took care of the dog I drove to see Maddie, just to find out she was being transported to Portland. I turned around and raced there. Maddie was in a lot of pain and I was upset I couldn’t be there for her the whole time but I had a football game the next day. I drove back home and got home around 2:30 in the morning. The following morning Maddie had surgery at 6:30 am and didn’t have her phone. I worried all day, we lost our game and the last play depended on me and our QB and we just couldn’t connect. This put me in an ever worse mood, but I was able to talk to Maddie on the phone on the bus ride home. As Maddie was able to come home a few days later, I didn’t leave her side for 7 days. I went to school and attended practice, to just go back to her house to take care of her. I didn’t do it because I “had to” I did it because I love her and she would do the same for me. I helped her move around, wiped her tears away, and changed her bandages from surgery. This was a long few weeks of anger, crying, and most of all pain. I felt awful but the best thing I could do was help her. Not only would I do this for her as her boyfriend, but as she’s my best friend.

An example of Maddie doing the same thing back for me, is when she helped me through one of the hardest days of my life. My head football coach suddenly died, and I wanted to go to school to see my football guys and be with them through this hardship. As soon as I got to school she was waiting for me at the door, even though I had late arrival. As I cried and didn’t know what to do with myself, I resorted to my guys, but Maddie stepped in and comforted me. Although she missed a bunch of her class she calmed me down. I left school not twenty minutes later to group up with my friends to be together. Maddie kept calling, and texting me to make sure I was alright, and made me come over after coaches funeral to talk to her. She was there when no one else was, and she’s someone I know I can always trust and depend on as a friend, and girlfriend. I know I’ve always got a friend in her.

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  • lsturtevant20
    May 22, 2020 at 11:48 am 

    It is so wonderful to see the true connection you have with someone you love. I could not be more happy for you two. This level of connection, trust, and love is something that everyone in the world strives for and is envious of. You are each others rock, anchoring them during times when they are needed most and it is so wonderful that even through the hardest times you can get through it together.

  • cjunkins20
    May 26, 2020 at 12:54 pm 

    Dang man. This is the feeling you get with someone close to you. Like when I pay for my bills food I know that he has me next time I forget my wallet it is just a the true connection you have and the love/care you have for this other.

  • adeditch20
    May 27, 2020 at 9:29 pm 

    This blog post was very wholesome and was definitely worth the read. The way that you described your bond with Maddie was so sweet to hear. The imagery and tone that you used throughout the whole thing made such a clear picture in my head which allowed me to read the post very seamlessly.

  • jaldridge20
    May 28, 2020 at 1:05 pm 

    This was a great story Liam, I know you to be a really good and caring friend and am glad that Maddie and everyone else was able to be there for you when something tragic like that happened. I am glad to say I know you would always be there for me as well if I ever needed someone.

  • jhackett20
    May 28, 2020 at 5:54 pm 

    This story was very heartwarming. I remember the day she broke her leg, it was very scary for everyone. Do you believe that family are your closest friends and that your closest friends become family? Having that person always there for you is so important. You are very lucky to have this relationship with her so try your best to hold on to it.

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