TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

One In The Same

Friends need each other like the earth needs the sun. When situations turn bad people need friends to cry with them. One day in the fourth grade I had a friend that needed support because their father had moved away to Arkansas. He moved because my friend’s parents got a divorce. He did not know why his father left without him he only knew about the divorce. My friend wanted to go with his dad because his mom was mean to him. The day after my friend’s father moved my friend’s mother forced him to go to school. My friend was so sad that he had to go to school right after his father left him. He had his head hanging all day in his hands. I knew that my friend’s parents got divorced but I did not know about his father moving so I was confused. I walked over and asked, “Why are you crying?” my friend would not speak. I asked again louder this time. My friend jumped and looked up at me. His face was stained with tears and a frown. All I could think to do was hug my friend until he stopped crying.

I asked my dad if I could have my friend over after school because he really did not want to go home. It was too sad to be at his house because his dad left and he knew that his mother would be talking bad about his father. My father said yes to him coming over for a few hours so I had my friend ask their mom. She said yes but she was hesitant. My friend’s mom called the office at the school and my friend got a note from the office to go over to my house. The bell rang for school to end and we walked out of school and we got onto the bus to go to my house.

When we were on the bus my friend told me about how his dad left because of the divorce and did not take him. He was crying so much and I hugged him and I listened to him. I let him know that he will be able to see his dad soon and that I will be there for him whenever he needs someone. When we got to my house we walked down my driveway and went inside. I grabbed snacks, movies of his favorite genre and a bunch of blankets. We made a blanket fort and watched movies and ate snacks for a while. After we finished our third movie we wanted to do something different. We picked up the blanket fort and we went for a walk in the woods that are out behind my house. It was a lot of fun and it made my friend feel better. I fell in the mud and my friend started to laugh. I am glad that I got to be there for my friend when he was feeling sad.

In 2015 my mother moved to Florida I was so sad that she decided to leave me. She chose to move so far away which made it hard to see her. I knew that it was exactly like my friend when his dad moved away but in this case, I did not want to move all the way to Florida with my mom because my home is in Maine. I knew that if I moved with my mom I would miss all the family that I have in Maine. I was super sad and I wanted my mom back.

There was one time when I was in the bathroom and I was crying. I heard someone walk into the bathroom so I stopped. No one knew that my mom left Maine and moved to Florida. I heard knocking on the bathroom stall door and I said that I was in there. My friend then said that it was them that knocked. My friend was in the same class as me and she was getting worried about why I was out for so long. She went to the bathroom to check on me to see if I was ok. She heard me crying and was wondering why. I opened the stall door and my face and eyes were red because I had been crying. She asked me what was wrong and I started crying again.

When I got done crying I told my friend about how my mom had moved to Florida. My friend told me she was sorry and I told her it was not her fault that my mom decided to leave me. My friend asked me if I wanted to go over to her house to hang out. She wanted to help me feel less sad about my mom leaving. I called my dad and asked if I could go over to my friend’s house because I was sad about mom leaving. My dad said yes and he called the school to make sure that I got a bus pass to go over to her house. When got out of school and got on the bus I started talking more about how I missed my mom.

We got to my friend’s house and her dad asked why I was there. My friend forgot to tell her dad that I was going to go over to hang out. My friend told her dad about how I was there to hang out because I was sad about my mom leaving. He was then ok with me staying at the house for a while. We went into her room and we played with her barbies. Then we watched movies and we ate snacks. We ended up running out of snacks so we had to walk over to the store. She lived really close to a store. We went there and got our snacks and we got some games. We spent the rest of the afternoon having fun.

I felt really good when I went home. I was less sad about my mom leaving because my friend cared enough about me to notice that something was wrong. I am very lucky to have had a friend like that that would help me heal when I was hurting. It reminded me of when I helped my friend when his dad moved away. It is great to have friends that care about you.

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  • eredmun20
    May 20, 2020 at 5:11 pm 

    This story was very heartfelt. Parents getting a divorce/leaving is very hard and I am sosorry you and your friend felt that. When my parents told my brother and me that they were divorcing, I came to school the next day and I cried but thankfully I had my friends there to comfort me. Friends are very important, especially in difficult situations like that.

  • kwalker20
    May 21, 2020 at 11:21 am 

    These two stories are very well written and I love how you connected the themes together, it is very helpful to have good friends around to help pick you up when you are feeling down. it is awesome that you were able to help your friends when he was upset, and then received the same help when you were upset.

  • nlinkel20
    May 26, 2020 at 4:50 pm 

    While this was a sad story, it leaves me feeling comforted. It also shows that at any age, a parent leaving can cause a big impact on us. And sometimes no matter what, there is no real happy way out. You were sad that your mom left but you also would have been sad if you had left to go with her. When my mom divorced her husband, I was sad because he got to keep the dog, but then the dog died. I’m glad you had your friend there to help you feel okay just like you did to your friend in elementary school!

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