TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Great Blender Explosion

So being a 12 year old and not knowing jack is kind of a hard life. You are always messing up and learning life lessons. Well, this is a story of how I learned a valuable life lesson. It was August and I was outside playing with my dog, after awhile I got very hot because the only thing I had done for the past two hours was chase a dog who weighs 80 pounds around the yard. Anyways I had gotten quite thirsty and I walked up my creaking wooden steps onto my patio, I almost burned my feet because the patio was made of concrete. After the daring attempt to get past the blazing lava fields of my patio, I had to play some hopscotch on my tile flooring to the kitchen, see  while doing this I slipped and fell. I was a very, very clumsy kid, now that I think back I did a lot of dumb stuff, which connects back to the story. When I got up I was a little sore, but who cares I was a little kid, I was basically a rubber band, anyways I saw the tall blender and just like the cartoons, a light bulb popped up. I had to search for a stepping stool, this was a hard task to be honest and by the end of it I had stubbed my toes at least 5 different times. Yet eventually I managed to drag a heavy stool to the counter so I could reach the top of the blender. So I opened it up and realized I had no idea how to make any sort of smoothie or milkshake. What did I do as my little self? I got done from the stool and went outside, yes I was that dumb and yes it gets better.

My dumb self decided to get what I called “natural ingredients” including treebranches, leaves, dirt, rocks, lots of grass, and then I needed one thing, the magic ingredient, pinecones. All my ingredients gathered, it was time to make my masterpiece of a smoothie, I ran inside and climbed back up the stool. I threw all my stuff in there one ingredient at a time, and then added water and a splash of milk. The second I turned the blender on I knew I messed up, really bad, it started to shake violently and I held the top on, I was scared and had no clue what was going on. How is this possible? All of my great ingredients should blend right up, yet its like the blender it hitting the rocks and getting clogged by the branches and grass. This continued for a minute straight, I was screaming for help and had gotten off the stool by this point and was hiding behind a counter. I was panicking and all I could hear was the blender making sounds out of what sounded to be the fifth dimension. My dad arrived home as I heard the garage door open over the screaming blender, and I decided to make a run for my garage before the blender blew. As my dad opened the door to the breezeway and I entered the breezeway with him, the blender finally went and glass shattered everywhere in a large circle around the kitchen. Along with all the mud that the blender had made, with bits of metal that had been the blade most likely. This was my first time ever using a blender and it was a very traumatic experience to look back on, yet I laughed after it exploded and thought it was hilarious, well that didn’t last long and I was made to clean up the entire mess alongside my dad. My mom was also not very happy with the fact that her blender was now in pieces. Also did not care at the time, I mean why would I be I was 12?

The cleanup took around an hour and a half and was not fun at all. My hands were extremely dirty after and I did not expect any of this, it is very funny to think about now. Yet when my mom grounded me for a month, that was also not very expected, probably because she always drank smoothies and I took the one thing away from her that she used to make them. This reminds me of the Christmas Griswold movie, when all the families kids get together in one house and everything goes to chaos in a split second. The movie reminds of the event in the aspect of the feeling of the situation because my family has always been a little bit dysfunctional. The grounding did not last and she realizes we make stupid mistakes and realized from the fact that I had just cleaned it all up that its all fine. I grew up watching the Griswolds and it has always been in my head that my family is slightly like theirs in the feeling of it.
Photo by Joelk75 on / CC BY


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1 Comment

  • nlinkel20
    May 26, 2020 at 5:43 pm 

    This is a really funny story. I think most kids who spent a lot of time outdoors tried to make a magic nature drink at some point. I remember making ‘soup’, and trying to get all of my friends to take a spoonful. It’s like we try to mimic adult behavior and add a little bit of imagination and then end up making a big huge mess that we’ve got to clean up. And half the time we never learn and probably end up making another mess at some point. I also like your relation to the Griswolds.

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