TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Car Troubles

    One of the biggest watersheds in growing up is the introduction of the ability to drive and get your license. Getting my license and being able to drive has been the most freeing thing I have done in my life to date. I look back on the time I didn't have my license and I realized how much of a pain it must have to drive me around everywhere. I never realized how prominent driving is in society and how much I really was in a car. Of course, the cons of driving come with insuring, registering, maintaining the quality of the car, and especially paying for gas. It may seem like it isn't worth it, but nothing is better than being able to drive by yourself. Although sometimes in life throws a curveball and it is up to you to respond quick enough in order to land the base hit and if you're lucky enough sometimes this can even result in a home run. I'm glad that when I am thrown these curve balls I have my good friends to rely on. These people that I call my friends would do anything for me when I am at my lowest and are not afraid to ask me for help if they find themselves in a similar position. And even though it may not seem that severe the most common thing that friends ask each other for because it seems so slight is a ride in their car.
    I am not sure if everyone reading has ever had an experience where their car has needed work in a garage or you just needed a ride somewhere and couldn't get a ride yourself. In my own experience, I don't like it because it really sucks to ask someone to come out of the way to get you and drop you off somewhere. Maybe it is just me, but I hate asking for favors because I don't want to be perceived as a mooch or needy. Of course, most of the time it's no problem and your friend has no problem taking you somewhere. The feeling of not being able to take yourself to places feels as if you've been placed inside a prison, but every now again you can call someone to break you out as long as you are returned. My experience with this happened last fall and I am glad I had a friend to rely on or I could have been in some deep trouble.
    Last fall my car had some serious issues and that means it found a temporary home in the local garage. For those who are familiar with the 1996 Toyota Forerunner, they know the cars a beast. It functions as both an unrelenting force and an unmovable object. Knowing it needed work was really sad because I enjoy driving it a lot. I was really bummed about this, but there was a solution to this problem. I was able to borrow my grandmother's truck for a little while but was advised not to take it places unless absolutely necessary. I was not happy with these guidelines, but I had to oblige if I wanted to even be able to use her truck. This meant if I wanted to go anywhere that wasn't essentially school or practice I needed to find a ride. Luckily, my great friend who for the sake of their privacy I will call Landon. 
    Landon and I were fairly close and weren't afraid to exchange rides with each other so when I told him I was going to need rides to a lot of things he was completely on board with my request. It is something I grew very appreciative of because I know it can sometimes be a hassle to have to give a ride to someone, but he was so accommodating and honestly, I think he liked driving with me in the car more than driving alone. This wouldn't be the last time I asked him for a ride, but after he responded so positively to my request it became clear that he is a great friend and is willing to do a lot in order to make sure his friends are happy. Because of his willingness to help me, it helped me realize how I should act if I was ever presented with this situation. Fortunately, for me, when I was presented with this scenario it was Landon who needed help. This meant that not only could I make up this huge favor he did for me, but I could also prove my loyalty as a good friend to him.
    Landon has had a lot of car trouble since first getting his license, but that has not stopped his tear on the road. I remember the first time he asked me to drive him home after school because his vehicle wouldn't start in the morning due to cold conditions. However, I have given him rides to Bath on several occasions, a friend's house, and even back to my house. This has been for various reasons, but I am glad that I was able to repay my debts to Landon and continue to be a close friend of his. Even if it is something that many people consider a "small" favor. The emphasis on the small because while the task is fairly insignificant, I feel it has a great impact on both individuals and is a positive experience for both parties to learn from. 
    Looking back on all of this has been really helpful in reflecting on what kind of values I should have not only in friendships but in life as well. Had I never been pressed with either scenario I do not feel I would be the same person I am today and I am appreciative of that. It is important to know how to think on the fly as well as interact socially in a positive way. I could have not asked anyone and lived with only driving to school and back until my car was repaired, which for the record took a bit longer than a month, but instead, I asked for help and it was received with flying colors by Landon. To this day I am so appreciative of everything he has done for me and I hope our relationship continues as we both take our own paths next fall. I'm not sure if he recognizes how much he has really done for me, but I definitely am grateful and wish the best for him in the future.

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  • lrodrigue20
    May 27, 2020 at 3:34 pm 

    Great story Levi! I really liked how you set it up, and it was well written. I also hate asking for rides, or asking to be brought somewhere so I can really relate to this story. I clearly understood what you meant the whole time, and it was a well set up story! Well done.

  • adeditch20
    May 27, 2020 at 9:25 pm 

    I really enjoyed reading this blog, hearing about your friendships and the bonds that you have made driving with friends put a smile on my face. The way that you described everything put a very clear picture in my head which made it easy to read. It even made me look back on my own friendships and similar scenarios.

  • mhall20
    May 28, 2020 at 12:32 pm 

    I really enjoyed this story about calling on friends for help and lets me reminisce about the time at the Middle School where my Dad came to bail you out ;). Carpooling with you and the guys has definitely been one of the best parts of high school and I am glad to have done it with you.

  • mryder20
    May 29, 2020 at 1:36 pm 

    I also felt like I was a smooch when I needed a ride from someone. I hated asking for rides because they would have to go out of their way and waste time and gas on me. I was always afraid that they would get annoyed by me and in return, would dislike me. It never helped that I always had to ask upperclassmen, whom I was already afraid of.

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