TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends Leave You Speechless

You never know when you are going to meet your best friend, but luckily for me, I met mine when I was three years old. The story of how I met my best friend is somewhat of an unusual meeting, it started out when I was three years old,  I was going to be starting kindergarten in the upcoming fall. At this point it was apparent that I was not showing signs that I would be proficient due to my numerous speech impediments. So in order to better prepare me my parents decided that they would bring me to speech therapy. As I woke up for my first day I was unaware of the day that was ahead of me, I remember being incredibly nervous to meet the teacher and the other kids in the class. Despite my fears I got myself ready and prepared myself for the worst, to my complete surprise this is the day that I would be meeting my best friend. Once we arrive she takes me up the stairs and into the building, the first thing I see is a bunch of kids running around and playing with the toys that are provided by the teacher. As we went into the room to begin the session I got to know the kids that were there with me, most of them were not like me in the slightest. Most of the kids were loud, outgoing and obnoxious. I was really shy compared to my classmates and it wasn’t until one day at play time where I finally connected with my soon to be best friend. He had secured himself some Spider-Man action figures at one of the tables by himself, as I walked up to him I rehearsed what I was going to say to him and as the time finally came I said hello. Upon me saying hello he turned around and introduced himself “Hi my name is Jevin, do you want to play?” and at that moment I was so happy that I had finally made a friend. I was more than happy to play with the Spider-Man action figures. Little did we know that this small interaction between us would bloom into a lifelong friendship that will never end. Following these interactions at speech therapy our parents finally met one day in the waiting room.

Soon after them meeting a play date was set up at their house for us to hangout and the parents to get to know each other better. This being the first time I had been to his house he showed me around and we decided that we would play with LEGO’s in his room. This eventually turned to chaos with us deciding it would be much more fun to jump on his bed. As a result of our jumping Jevin got bounced a bit higher than he expected and in a fit of fear he threw his leg out in order to gain balance. As he did this he flew his foot straight into my nose launching me off the bed, awesome. Without skipping a beat he immediately jumped off the bed to me to make sure I was okay. I did not cry because I did not want him to get in trouble, but we headed down stairs to show our moms just in case anything was wrong. My mom of course was not concerned with altercation because I tend to find myself in these situations quite often. But Jevin’s mom was so worried that I would never want to come over again after this and that my mom was going to think that Jevin was some kind of a bully but it was completely fine. At this point nothing could break the bond that me and Jevin had, we were like brothers. This bond would be tested throughout the next three or four play dates because with each play date with Jevin I would again return home with an injury. Despite the numerous injuries it will always be worth the everlasting friendship that sparked because Jevin saw I needed a friend and decided to be mine.

Years have passed and many memories have been shared between us and our families but something that will never change is that I will always be there for him. No matter where we go to college, where we find a job, or where we start or families I will always be there for him. From staying up until four in the morning with him talking about what is going on in our lives, to making promises and secrets that we have to keep until the end of time. Throughout all the wins and losses in sports, tough times and good times I will always be there for him. From the days that we spent eating Laffy Taffy and playing mini golf, to the days and nights we spent at numerous campgrounds. From spending our holidays together from the many Halloweens spent racking up as much candy as we could carry, to the New Years we have spent drinking soda upside down until the ball dropped, you will without a doubt always be my best friend. To the hours spent boating and tubing on the lake launching ourselves off when the other falls. To the times we spent at the movie theater watching the newest Marvel movie. Or the countless times that either one of us crashed our four-wheeler either over a cliff or tumbling down a mountain, I will always be there chasing that thing down with you. Finally for the many more memories that we are going to share together I know that I will always be there for him. Whenever there is news whether it is good or bad I know the first person that I am going to call is him and I am sure he feels the same way. There is never a time that I am not there for Jevin and he is not there for me.


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  • lsturtevant20
    May 22, 2020 at 11:36 am 

    Wow….I did not expect to be crying after this post. This post is full of emotion and makes me both extraordinarily happy and uncomfortably sad. I think that you and Jevin’s bond is unmatched and I really hope that the trend continues as we part ways in the fall. I do ask one question though. Was it his Legos that inspired your love of Legos during your childhood?

  • cjunkins20
    May 26, 2020 at 1:05 pm 

    I love this story in many ways. 1, I love how you guys are still freinds till this day that is legitness my guy. 2, the bond you guys had and how it caused a lifelong relationship definity not a lot of people can say that sir. 3, you guys are friends through it all, ups and downs their is not a single moment where you guys are not truly friends it seems.

  • lrodrigue20
    May 27, 2020 at 3:08 pm 

    It’s always the best feeling meeting your best friend at a young age and spending all the time possible with them, I was very happy reading this knowing the same feeling. I’m glad you and Jevin got to know each other at such a young age and were able to make a connection, and keep it going until now. I’m happy that you gave such a strong relationship with him and I hope your friendship lasts forever!

  • nmarcotte20
    May 27, 2020 at 3:36 pm 

    This is a very well written message to your friend Jevin. I have heard a lot about him as I have gotten to know you. This reminds me of our old friend Nash. Sadly all of us haven’t been hanging out, but I am glad that you have always been able to keep in touch with Jevin, good job Max!

  • adeditch20
    May 27, 2020 at 9:18 pm 

    This blog was really awesome and i’m glad that I stopped by to read it. The way that you explained you meeting Jevin had so much imagery that even I started to reminisce about meeting my first friends at a young age. The tone you used was very exciting as well as happy and has added a smile to my day!

  • minman20
    May 31, 2020 at 12:54 am 

    AWWWWWW!!! I had no clue this was how you a jevin met. So cute! I really enjoyed how heartfelt this piece was and I hope that you show it to Jevin. It would most definitely make him feel a positive emotion. MY favorite part was when you talk about him at the table alone with his action figures, because I remember meeting my best friend in a very similar way. Great Post.

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