TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

She Is One In A Million

It started with two outcasts, one who was your brother’s girlfriend and then you the new girl to town. When I moved in with my father about five years ago I was the new girl to town, I used to live in the city then when I moved it was in the middle of the woods in a small town where everyone knew everyone where your neighbor was about three miles away. At the time my brother was dating this girl who was over my dad’s house quite a bit, it was at least every other day I was seeing her. She was so different from me, she was country and a bit of a tomboy not like any other girls I was used to. You would never guess me and her would shortly become best friends for now going on to six years, this is because I am a city girl very girly and I am as someone would say a basic typical city girl. Of course I had made a few other friends at school along the years and so did she, however we will always be eachother number one irreplaceable inseparable best friend. After my brother and her graduated high school about two years ago my brother proposed to her, this is making Sidney my sister-inlaw and we are thrilled about being closer as friends than ever! Out of all of helping each other through life the events that were prominent then most were when Sidney helped me through a recent rough long break up and the time I had helped her through a quick break-up she had with my brother . See when a girl gets broken up with she feels lonely and sometimes like the world is empty and this is the time when a friend is most needed to step up and be comforting and therefore everything she would need. Bring her ice cream, make her laugh, tell her she is worth so much more than this boy and to sometimes get her back out there and mingle. Friends are essential to our lives and this is why I am explaining mine and Sidney’s friend in need of rescue of each other. 

It was Sideny’s junior year and she and my brother were going through some rough patches in their relationship and had a fight like any couple does and my brother decided to break up with her. Sidney was driving me to my moms from school and she was crying quite a bit so I asked her why and she told me about the break up. I told her she was going to spend the night with me, this was so so she wasn’t alone that night and so I could be a friend to her in this time of need. Her and I ate some ice cream and she cried and I was there for her. After the crying and me telling her that any guy is lucky to have her in his life we went to go get pizza at Pizza Hut and found some cute guys there while we were waiting in line and me being a flirt I went up to them and asked them for their snapchat and then there was a shy guy that I thought would be a good nice guy for her and asked him for his Snapchat for her and he gave it to me. This guy ended up snapping Sidney and she seemed to have gotten in a more positive mood so after that we went to enjoy the sunset with our pizza and sat on the dock at Lake Auburn ate our pizza snapped a few cute guys and laughed the night away. When we headed back to my house my brother had called Sidney and said he regretted ever leaving her and that it was a small fight and how he missed her and didn’t want anyone else. Sidney then replied with that she wanted to get back together and that they did! Even though she and him had gotten back together I was still there for her being her friend when she needed me the most, the point of the story is that I will always be there for Sidney no matter the circumstances and that is what friends are for. 

Sidney had helped me in a time similar to hers, I was in a relationship about six months ago and it was quite a long relationship. I truly loved this boy, I gave him the world and in return he broke my heart. Now during this time I was depressed and a mess but who was there for me in this despite time of need, my best friend Sidney. She was the one to get me out of bed and my house to keep me going when I was hurting, the one to make me remember my worth and how I was better than this boy who had used me and hurt me. In Fact she even helped me move on and meet some new people and go mingle as well as go find myself and make me focus on my future for college and explore the area of where my college is which is South Portland. I began to focus on me, I spent more time at the beach and watching sunsets also keeping focus on my mental health and the person who helped me realise this was my friend Sidney. Sidney is always there for me and I am always there for her, she gives me advice on boys and life and I do the same for her. 

What having a friend like Sidney has taught me is that to love myself and also when it feels like the world is empty and small or that you feel alone and helpless there is your friend a shining light of hope and love beaming into your life. Whether it be that your life is going amazing or very down in the dumps or even that you just need someone to laugh with or cry with, your true friend will always be there for you like Sidney is for me and I am for her.

Photo by Casavell on / CC BY



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  • eplourde20
    May 25, 2020 at 2:45 pm 

    It is definitely really nice to know you have a friend to fall back on especially going through tough things like a break up. It sounds like you guys really know how to bring each other up and patch that missing part in you life up. I am actually going through what seems to be the same situation but unfortunately I am not aloud to hang out with friends due to COVID. So sometimes I feel like I am in this alone, what my ex did to me was terrible which makes the break up even harder because I treated him so well and I know I don’t deserve what he did to me. I feel you girl. I get your pain, break ups suck! I hope everything is better for you now and you realize you don’t need someone like him in your life. Always here if you need someone to talk with.

  • kwalker20
    May 26, 2020 at 10:10 pm 

    This bond that you and your brothers girlfriend have is so special! My brothers girlfriend and I are also very close. Although we haven’t helped each other through breakups, we are constantly lifting each other up. I am very thankful that my brother met her or I would not have gained such a great friend and someone to lean on when I am going through a hard situation. I hope your relationship with your brothers girlfriend lasts a very long time!

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