TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Fellow class members these past four years have been filled with memories and friendships that will undoubtedly last forever. There is a classic story involving a yellow brick road, I believe you all know what I am talking about. Now in that story Dorothy is told to follow the yellow brick road. Dorothy picks up many different characters along the way. Now for most this would mean that if you follow the same road as others that you will get to the destination you want. But what is misconceived in this story is that there are many roads that lead to the final destination, you can pick any road you choose but they all have storms that will have to be weathered along the path. The characters in this story are friends that help shape and create what your path will look like. For me my tin man would be my friend Evan. He was brave enough to take on many different things, I never really had a lion but the friend that would be the scarecrow would be Cam which fits him if you know him. Toto in my belief would be my friend Ausborn because without him I would have never met Cam, Justin and Brandon. In the story there is only one path shown but throughout life there will be many, many more paths. Like a road the path to success will not be flat or straight, there will be bumps and hills in the road. Rough patches are evident, who knows maybe a sinkhole, but what’s important is that you keep moving forward because it is by this that you will reach the final destination. The types of things that can throw you off with these different road analogies would be friendships that fall apart or sprout to a start. Jobs that may pass by, or may keep you busy for a very long time.

Life itself comes with pieces but it is completely up to us to put the pieces together. Sometimes it’s like a rubix cube that you think you have figured out but then a side is turned and just like that you are not done yet. The point that I am trying to make is that there is no single path that is the same, we will all end up in different places. Like would when we had all been introduced to the idea of picking colleges Junior year, then we all talked to each other of course and weighed what other people were doing. The first stage was talking to our friends and claiming you were going to go there with them. Then came the second stage where you started looking at other schools then your friends but had not quite told them about the schools. Then stage 3 erupted where you found interest in a school and did not care who else was going there, it was where you wanted to call home for the next 2 or 4 maybe even more years. This was the process that as I perceived it when picking colleges. Or when we chose classes freshman year, none of us were looking four years into the future at what the classes we chose for freshman year would entail for senior year. We talked to our closest friends and decided what classes we would take from there. Once we selected those classes we felt relieved we didn’t know the various amounts of work that high school would entail because at that point we were in 8th grade and all we wanted was to get into high school. But again what we didn’t know was that our work ethic, our time we spent asking and answering questions from teachers and peers would shape the future for all of us. Shaping the future. 

For the future after high school, creating a path for all of us in our ventures after high school. Thus creating the moral of the story which is that it doesn’t matter where you end up, it just matters what you can take away along the path and apply it to other paths. Remember to enjoy life itself and to try to make it enjoyable for your peers wherever you go. Just don’t end up like the wicked witch of the west, stuck in one place for the rest of your life. And remember. Keep moving forward. 

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  • rworth21
    May 28, 2020 at 11:17 am 

    I really liked the comparisions between the “yellow brick road” and how everyones highschool experience may not follow that path directly. I wonder which “path” you chose and how you think that effected your experience in highschool. In addition I wonder as well how the yellow brick road analogy may folow you and others even after you graduate from HS…

  • jaldridge20
    May 28, 2020 at 11:47 am 

    Great Speech, I am glad we became friends along the way and hope we are able to stay connected throughout college. I agree that we all take different paths and I feel that you and I both took similar ones in the way that without other people we would not have met each other or many others

  • mhall20
    May 28, 2020 at 12:36 pm 

    I really liked how you used roads and paths to illustrate the journey we take throughout life and school. I also liked how you compared your friends to familiar characters from the Wizard of Oz, it made for an enjoyable read. I have had a lot of fun going through school with you and playing soccer together :). I wish you the best next year at Thomas hitting home runs :).

  • aboston20
    May 28, 2020 at 3:22 pm 

    This is a great story I like how you can connect the roads in paths to your own journey. And I’m glad we became friends and I like our bond with sports because we both grind I hope it stays that way.

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