TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

lessons remember

Hi, I am Macie Fletcher as most of you may know. I was giving life on June 18th, 2002, the best day of my parents’ life. They might not tell you that but we all know it’s true. You might know me as either a smart person, or one who lacks common sense, either is fine. Throughout highschool I was involved in many activities, such as soccer, FBLA, track, softball, etc. Highschool truly was a memorable time, I am sad to leave, however I am ready for a change.

  Throughout high school I learned many life lessons, some positive however some negative. Let’s start off with the biggest lesson I learned, checking oil in a car is important. I learned this the hard way, let me tell you about it. One day on my way to soccer practice, my car stopped working. I pulled into the school, and suddenly my car stopped moving. My car was a 2005 Chevy Equinox, we had many problems together, but that car was great. Until I did not check my oil to the point where I had no oil, when I say no oil, I mean no oil. So we had to push my car into a parking spot, with the help of Mr. Young, his son, Julia, and Donny. My dad showed up and realized my car was almost smoking and smelt like it was burning, well that was because I seized my engine. That was an awful way to learn a lesson. My car was no longer able to run, and the engine did not work. I did not have a car for about a month, until I found the car I wanted. I ended up getting a beautiful 2013 Volkswagen CC, and you know what I am doing, checking my oil. This was definitely an expensive way to learn a lesson, but whoever is listening to this, go outside and check your oil. This was overall the worst way to learn a life lesson. 

Another life lesson I learned the hard way was, not all friends last forever. One of my best friends, unfortunately, really hurt my feelings. This showed me that not everyone that is close to means well. This helped me by always getting ready to expect the worst, because you never know who is going to turn on you. Comparing my friends now, to the ones I had then. My friends that I have now, truly care about my feelings and that hurts me and what does not. The friends I had at that time, truly only cared about themselves. This was a good life lesson because it showed me who my real friends are, even though I learned this the hard way, I am glad I learned this lesson when I did, and how I did. Right now, I have the best friends I could ever ask for, and I truly love my friends to death. 

A great life lesson I got to learn throughout highschool, was how to be a part of a team. During my four years of high school soccer, I played with the most welcoming teammates. I was lucky enough to have a family, instead of just a team. Whether it was making a teammates day better or making jokes with them. I saw many different teams in high school, that were not friends, just were on the same team. Our team though, we were all so close, and made amazing memories. We never got mad at eachother, lose or win, we were family. This taught me the lesson of how to be a great teammate. A great teammate does not point fingers from a loss, and does not criticize others. Being a part of this amazing team, made me a better person. I was able to work and communicate with others better. I cannot wait to carry this valuable life lesson with me for life. 

I would describe Oak Hill High School as small, smelling bad, and having many issues. Issues such as the roof leaking, water coming in through the doors, but hey we did get a new roof. The smell I believe always came from the cooking room, in our wing, it always smelt like fish. I would say small as in, it was just a small school, not many kids. The workload in school was like a truck. As it went causcally each semester then hits you hard at the end with a lot of work. I would not say I am a procrastinator, but I was a little behind. Which I need to get better at in highschool, oops. The cause of being behind was not doing my work, and the effect was a lot more stress than I needed at the end of the year, but I did manage to never fail a class. But I need to do better in college, I can not wait until the last minute.   

Overall I learned many lessons in high school, I would not trade that for the world. High School was really memorable. Ruining the engine in my car, a change in friends, and being a teammate. I will be continuing my schooling at Central Maine Community College, also playing soccer. My dream is to be a dental hygienist. See ya Oak Hill High School, this is not a goodbye, it is a “see you soon”. 

Photo by Phil Roeder on / CC BY-ND


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