TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Commencement Speech

From the day I started high school I knew that a lot was to come; I get that feeling still now. I knew there were going to be a lot of changes not only to me but to everyone around me also. Middle school was so much different than high school in many ways. For one grade really didn’t matter much I mean yeah if you tried hard enough you could fail but I feel like you would really have to try. Everyone in middle school knew everyone else it seemed, familiar faces all around. At the end of middle school you just started thinking that you were really getting to know everyone then when you get into high school and it starts all over again. I knew that I was going to love a lot of things about high school but I also knew I was going to hate a lot of things but that I expected that. High school for me had a lot to do, definitely kept me busy but not always things I liked.

Throughout my 4 years of high school there were a lot of things that I loved about being in high school, like sports, some of the teachers, seeing my friends every day of the week. Sports have been a part of my life since I can remember. Soccer has been the biggest and long lasting because it has always been my favorite and the best I was at I thought. All throughout high school, soccer has been the best. This last year of soccer though was the best, with this season being the best season in a lot of years for Oak Hill. I do not remember what our record was exactly but it was a very good season for us and we all had a lot of fun. This season almost beating Monmouth.. The team we have always wanted to beat in high school. We were beating Monmouth 3-1 at half and we knew they were going to come back way harder in the second half. That is exactly what they did. They scored 2 goals and then we were tied. Then going into overtime they scored with a nice chip and that was the game. But we did not give up after that, we kept pushing and tried to do our best throughout the season having a pretty good record. There are so many other things about high school than sports though. 

Seeing my friends every day was probably one of my favorite things to do because there are so many things you can do or talk about with them. A lot of the time I would just sit in class and talk the whole time with them and not pay attention one bit then be completely lost when they assign homework and I am like “Uhh what’s this? I don’t know how to do this.” I also began to have great bonds with some of the best teachers ever. My two favorite teachers Mrs. Chick and Mrs. Finn are by far the best teachers and most fun to be around and to get work done. Even though I got a lot of work from Mrs. Finn for Pre-cal I still always did it well and on time. Every red day I would have study hall 4th period and I would go to Mrs. Chick’s room and then ironically I would be doing math homework with Mrs. Finn because I was always doing homework for her mostly because it was really hard for me and I needed her help. I got through math pretty good. English was a little different, though I would always ask Mrs. Chick for confirmation basically to began writing. I was never confident to start writing so I needed to hear Mrs. Chick say those words she always did to me which were: “Yeah, this looks good, start writing” because without that I would not be able to write. I would feel like I am not doing any of it right if she did not say that. If it wasn’t for all these things high school would have been horrible for me. 

Going into high school I knew there were going to be things that I did not like either. Some of these things being homework. That is the biggest one. Homework for me is so awful to hear because I hated doing homework, it wasn’t the point of me having to do more work after school it was me having to do work at home. I never did work at home, I always did my homework at school. That is why I always had a study hall every year. I would not do homework at home. I think they should just change the name to school work for me because I always did it at school. Although, now with this Covid-19 stuff all the work I have been doing is work at home so then again I guess we should just keep the name homework. Other things I was not a fan of were spirit weeks. The only reason I ever dressed up for any of them is when they were either easy to do or because I was begged or forced by friends or fellow classmates. Other than that I would not want to dress up and make myself look dumber than what I already look like. Everyday I walked into school and walked past my friend Brady he would always get mad at me seeing that I did not dress up and him knowing I could have if I wanted to. He would always say “You literally have no school spirit” but I am like “Yes I do, I am at school aren’t I?” I may not have a lot of school spirit but I always went to school and did all my work so I could go home and play video games and eat because that is what I like to do in my free time. 

It has been a pretty fun ride overall, I mean I have had my ups and downs on the way but everyone has those so it is fine. Like I have said there were a lot of things that were really fun and that I liked and a lot of things I did not like. From hanging out with all my friends, to being overloaded with homework that I refused to do at home. Like the Flip paper, I hated writing that paper even though I did end up doing that at home because I had to. With all the fun I have had there are a lot of important things and chances do to a lot of things like LRTC. That is one of the most fun places to go because you meet a lot of new people and do a lot of fun things, depending on what you choose. High school has been a blast for me and I am excited to go off to college and actually get a job. For those who are to come to and those to leave high school you should always make the best of it even though there will be things you dislike but also things you like in high school and after. 

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  • jfuller20
    May 28, 2020 at 4:37 pm 

    Your message is great. I felt like I could relate a lot to your speech especially the part about spirit week and homework.

  • jfuller20
    May 28, 2020 at 4:39 pm 

    I felt like I could relate a lot to your speech especially the part about spirit week and homework. I completely agree that you should make the best of high school when you are in it because you may never be able to have the experiences that you can have in high school.

  • cpickett20
    May 28, 2020 at 4:45 pm 

    Awesome speech, I never went home with homework either, its so much better to keep up with the work at school, I feel as though you won’t get behind on classes if you just get the work done. That FLiP paper was pretty horrible to do.

  • twright20
    May 29, 2020 at 9:30 pm 

    I really like this speech as I relate to a lot. Except when did I ever do work.. haha. I would only dress up for the easy days and always try to avoid homework as much as possible. Sports we always great to have and it ws good to see that the soccer team had a good year this year after a long time of playoff drought!

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