TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


The coronavirus has taken over my life. Is it going to end or keep getting worse? I never expected there to be a sickness that puts the entire world on hold. Jobs are being lost, socialization is being killed. Parties, weddings, get togethers, concerts are all being stopped. My family decided to take it the next step. Am I allowed to hangout with my friends? Nope, am I allowed to do anything? yeah, no I’m not. I feel like I’m in some type of horror movie, we are all in quarantine, the city is quiet, stores are closing. We can not even finish our education and as a senior I fear that I will not get to graduate like should. I may be overreacting but this coronavirus thing is creating some monsters. people are taking all the toilet paper, hand sanitizers, tissues, baby food, milk and all of the necessities. Fights are breaking loose, people are stealing from others. It is like the survival of the fittest or something like that.

For example, being stuck in a house with all 6 of us is probably the hardest part of being quarantined. It has now been about a month or so being in quarantine and I have not gotten to do much besides my online schooling, I have not seen my friends, I have not seen my grandparents, the most I have seen is my backyard! I just want to be free again and not have to worry about getting sick or getting other people sick, I wanted to enjoy my senior year and have a blast with my friends for the remainder of time that they are my friends. I know eventually this will all be over and everyone will be talking about the pandemic and It will be something I say I lived through, but I wish it never happened. I wish I could be sitting right next to my friends in class making jokes and being happy, but I have not seen them in almost 2 months. It is not just about my friends though, it’s about how stressful it is having to sit behind the computer screen all day and watch your teachers attempt to teach you but sometimes that can be a bit hard. I do not always know what they are trying to show me or how they are doing it. I get afraid to ask questions. I never thought I would have to stay home away from everyone and learn this way, It never crossed my mind. Life before this was going just how I planned and I know not many people can say that but I can.

School was finally making sense, I was doing my college visits and filling out scholarships. I was making new friends and spending time with my family. During quarantine I have thought a lot about how much I actually enjoyed school. I also thought about how I’m going to love college and making new friends. I never thought I would learn it that way but I did. Personally I believe that the coronavirus in the future will change and possibly could get worse, Colleges are already canceling fall semesters and staying closed. No one knew any of this would happen and take away all  the things important to us for the time being. No one knows if this will continue or how long it will continue for. The coronavirus could lead everyone into a depression, no one can see family, can’t leave our houses! I wanted so badly to quarantine with a friend and be able to go places and have the graduation that everyone wanted. I wanted to be able to walk with my friends and look into the crowd and know that I made my family proud, but nothing is happening that way. 

Now we must wait to see what will come of the future for the coronavirus, some colleges are already being cancelled and who knows if we will even get to experience our first year of college, living on campus probably won’t happen for those of us who were planning on that. College is what I was looking forward to my entire life and at this rate looks like I’m going to have to keep looking forward to it. Not to mention that I’m not allowed to see any of my friends or spend time with them. Summer’s are going to be tanning at home doing nothing and not beach trips as of right now. Finally everyone has started to get a grasp on what the next year is going to look like, and we all are expecting the unexpected.

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  • aboston20
    May 28, 2020 at 3:30 pm 

    It’s crazy how life can just change so quick, I liked how you talked about quarantine making you realize how much you really miss school. I guess you never realize how important something is to you until you lose it.

  • kwalker20
    May 28, 2020 at 4:00 pm 

    Great job demonstrating the impact quarantine is having on you. Although it is a challenging time, I also feel that we are getting much-needed lessons out of this experience. We have learned not to take time, people or even a grocery store for granted. I hope you are able to see your friends again soon!

  • thustus20
    May 28, 2020 at 11:17 pm 

    This is really great, honestly hit me in the feels here. Your writing is pretty well, I only had to read back over a couple spots. I keep finding new hobbies to do throughout this rough time, like lately I enjoy painting with tiny dots of color, super fun!

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