TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Home sweet home

About a year ago my junior year of highschool, I was sitting in my math class when my phone buzzed, it was my best friend. I excused myself from the classroom and walked down to the bathroom, as I walked down the hallway I stared at my phone with a confused look on my face, as if what she said to me was real!? I had no idea how to respond to what she said, but I did knew what I had to do. I dialed up my mom and asked her if my friend could move in, it didn’t take very long for her to say yes because she loved my friend and would do anything for her, but I had some things I needed to do first.Later that day when I got home I went into my room and started cleaning! Man was it a mess! I knew my time was limited because she would be on the way any second now. Finally after about an hour of cleaning and rearranging my room she arrived! I was so excited to be living with one of my best friends!

I thought it was going to be so much fun. I didn’t really think about what would happen if we got sick of eachother. I didn’t think about the fights we would probably get into, but that didn’t matter! A few days passed and we decided it would be a good idea to redo my entire room. We started cleaning around 3:00pm, we deep cleaned every single thing in my room! We rearranged the couches, and the beds to make more room, finally we finished cleaning at 7:30 pm! After a long day we decided to go to bed happy as can be, my friend had a place to stay and I had my bestfriend living with me. Although waking her up everyday was a struggle, it was still fun having someone tell me if my clothes looked good or not. She always helped me out with my makeup and hair and always made sure I had eaten my breakfast. She always had my back when I needed it the most, I guess that was her repaying me for sharing my room with her for 6-7 months.

Within those months we had such a blast she always made me laugh and gave me someone to talk to when I was upset or just needed someone to talk to. After a time passed she eventually just became a part of the family, everyone got used to seeing her everyday, she even stayed there while I was not there! My little sister loved to play with her and in a way she helped out my family a ton, she gave my sister someone to hangout with, she gave my brother someone to talk to. She was a help to everyone and we all loved her living with us! After about a month or two my friend and I started getting sick of eachother very fast, our girl times were in sync and that was hard on us and my mother two times the attitude. We got into a few fights just because we were super temperamental and emotional, we fought over small things like her making loud noises while I was tired, or me being too loud while she’s doing school work. It was not always fun and games with her. We did not always get along very well but we tried our best to stay calm and make sure we didn’t rip each other’s faces off, sometimes we got close to it. A few more months passed and I got super used to doing basically everything with her, she even came to my friends houses with me.

Eventually the day came, the day that she told me she was going to be leaving and moving to Poland, 40 minutes away from me. I was so upset I got mad at her for no reason, I did not want her to go. My heart was broken, I knew I would barely ever see her again. I went into shutdown mode, I did not talk to anyone for a few hours. I sat there as I watched her pack her things that were scattered around our room, I was so mad I didn’t even help her pack. A few days passed as her things sat there near my door awaiting her aunts arrival, finally a knock on my door. I watched as she picked her things up one by one and walked out the door, my room started to be so empty, I felt like I was watching my sister leave for college again. Her aunt tried to make small talk with me but I was not having it, I just started crying.

After everything was moved from the room my mom came down and sat with me while I cried about her leaving, she told me I need to say goodbye or I will never forgive myself. Finally I got up, and I hugged her so tight I could have broken a bone on her body, we both cried as we said goodbye and she walked out the door. She had left a few things behind just as an excuse to come see me a few more times, we did hangout a few times after she moved out but eventually started to fade away. We lost touch for awhile and did not speak at all. That broke me even more because I went from seeing her everyday to not even talking to her, but eventually I reached out and went and saw her. To this day we still do not hangout or see each other as much but we are friends and talk at least 3 times a week, obviously I wish we could be as close as we were but.That is a story about the time I helped a friend and she helped me!

Photo by MSVG on / CC BY


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