TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Gone So Soon

I never thought that this day would come so soon. The last four years of my life have gone by so fast. Just yesterday, it felt like I was going to my first high school dance. And here I am, about to graduate in 12 days. I’ve always wanted this day to come because it meant no more Membean, but it kinda really sucks. I’ve become friends with so many people throughout the years. I have lost many…many friends also, but it’s taught me lot’s of lessons. Although I am excited to graduate I will also be upset because that means I have to part ways with most of you. High school has put me through many obstacles, such as Membean…but hey I’m still graduating. 

My first year of high school was probably one of the scariest times of my life. I was in the lowest grade and I was always thinking about what others thought of me. Whenever someone from eleventh grade of twelfth grade walked past me I always made sure I was on my phone even though I had no reason to be, which I’m pretty sure most of you have done. I felt so alone my freshman year because I didn’t have the best people beside me. I felt like I had friends, but I couldn’t count on any of them. Maybe, one or two. I thought high school was just going to be this fun joy ride with freedom, as most people put it. Freshman year I struggled with my grades. I struggled with English mostly, and Membean. I probably cranked out 300 minutes in one night because school was ending the next day. As freshman year started to come to and end, I truly wanted to dropout because that was so miserable and it came out of nowhere. Freshman year is not what everyone puts it out to be. 

Now…Sophomore year. I hit rock bottom this year let me tell you what. I could not have cared less about school, or anything in general. I failed English 2 and FLiP. I was rude to just about every teacher. I’m pretty sure Mr. Carney hates me. I gave him a real rough time. I was always on my phone, never read my books, talked back 24/7 and said some pretty mean things. I always thought that it was Mr. Carney who was the bad guy, but in reality it was me. Having a good relationship with teachers really does make a difference, and I learned that the hard way. At the end of Sophomore year I realized that I needed to work on myself. I needed to gain my strength back, mentally and emotionally. I needed to catch a break from everything. I was constantly being stepped all over, not appreciated, used by everyone and I lost some pretty good friends at the time. It sucks to think that someone you would tell everything to, is just a stranger now, who knows so many things about you. Sophomore year definitely took a toll on me, and was learned from many mistakes I made. 

Junior year was prime year for me. I started off the year with a great mindset and NO PROCRASTINATING. Bri not procrastinating…who knew? I loved all my teachers and all my classes. I learned from the previous year to not make the same mistakes again. I came back stronger than ever. I had honors both semesters, which is mind blowing for me because I never truly tried to excel in any of my classes. I did great in English class, both semesters. I have always struggled with English but apparently not my Junior year. I felt so proud of myself for getting a grade I was happy with in English, you don’t even know. Towards my end of Junior year, June 14th to be exact is when I got my license…first try. Well, I think we ended school before then. Literally no one thought I could pass my first try, but I proved them all wrong. Junior year I actually finished all my work a week before school was supposed to end. And here I am a couple days before school ends, writing my speech. Oh, how time changes.

Senior year has been a tough one. Not what I imagined for sure, but I’ve made the best of it. We seniors, class of 2020 were blessed with getting struck by Covid-19. I remember sitting in Mr. TB’s room and him telling us that there was the first case of Corona in Maine, in Androscoggin County. At this point I think we all knew that it was only going to get worse from this point on. I’m not going to go in depth about everything because you all know everything already. Senior year I was looking forward to my last prom, senior trip, project grad, spending the last moments with my friends…in person. Now, we get to graduate at an airport with limited family members, but hey we are making the best of it. I guess it could have been worse but it definitely does suck to say the least. 

This journey with you guys has been a blast. I would like to thank many of my friends for making me the person I am today. I would not be able to get through the things in the past, if it wasn’t for you guys. This day has come so fast and way too soon. If there were one piece of advice I had to give someone, then it’s to not procrastinate in English, especially Membean. This will take a toll on your sleeping schedule, big time. I’ve learned so many things in highschool. I’ve learned who my real friends are, I’ve grown mentally and emotionally, I know my worth and I do not let anyone step all over me anymore. Which is another thing I have learned, the more you let people use you or step all over you the more they will do it and they think it will be okay to do to others. Although I’ve been waiting for this moment, I will miss you all tremendously. I wish you all a good future and I hope all goes well for you. I hope you succeed and prove everyone wrong, no matter what.

Photo By: BRidley


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1 Comment

  • ocummings20
    May 29, 2020 at 11:42 pm 

    I feel where you are coming from! I too struggled in high school and I did not get what I expected. Everyone hypes up high school, but in reality it is what you make of it.

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