TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

I Have Done No Work

I haven’t done any English work this entire semester. I find writing essays to be boring and tedious. Simply put, it is not my cup of tea. Because of this, I have this terrible habit of procrastinating on my English work. I’ve always hated essays. No way could I ever write anything that truly depicts real life. Talking is so much easier. People pay more attention when I talk than when I write. 

It started when I was pretty young, back when I was homeschooled. I was required to hand write a new essay each week. The task was so infuriating, and I guess I had to write one too many papers that I didn’t really care about. I wonder what it would be like to write an essay I actually cared about. 

  This year is no different than every other semester, where I drag out the task of essays. They’re probably the very last thing in the world I’d willingly choose to spend time on. With the end of the semester rapidly approaching, I find myself once again writing a pile of papers that have accumulated throughout the year. This leaves me with little time to partake in things I like to do. Despite failing to do my assignments on time, every school year I still fail to correct this flaw.

This could lead to a multitude of consequences, some I have already experienced, while some have yet to come. The big one is I wouldn’t pass highschool until the class was completed. And I have to get out of high school. This could snowball to other consequences in the future, including not being able to go to college or find a good job. Smaller consequences include putting stress on myself and not being able to graduate on time. This would affect the rest of my life negatively, slowing down my progress in fields I actually care about.

I have learned that to be successful in life, deadlines are extremely important and I am working to complete my papers. While it is still last-minute to be completing them, it is still better than doing it the night before the end of the semester. I will strive to meet the goals set by my teachers and move on with my life. While I still despise writing, I see now that it is an important life skill and I am doing my best to complete my work on time. This will let me learn more effectively and stop my work from piling up at the end of the year.

Photo by Kevin Doncaster on


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1 Comment

  • twright20
    May 29, 2020 at 9:33 pm 

    I really feel for this. I hate doing english work because I really have a hard time doing it and then I get very frustrated and procrastinate till the very last minute.

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