TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Kindness was the Key

Over the last several months, we have all had the opportunity to reflect upon the last four years with one another. Who knew the graduating class of 2020, the class of clear vision, would be faced with so many obstacles? From wind storms to snow storms, power outages to water shortages, and this year a pandemic, we have overcome the most ‘twilight-zone-esque’ scenarios together. Sometimes high school felt like a dream, other times it felt like a nightmare, but now, it’s time for us to fully wake up. This is our welcoming to reality, as we complete this stage in life and finally graduate! We did it!

As I’ve looked back at my personal high school experience, I found myself missing things, when at first, I honestly thought I’d never want to go back. I missed my friends, my mentors, and my normal, everyday life. As seniors, we have lost our normal versions of high school events such as our last ‘spring fling’, prom, graduation, our class trip, and equally as important, our last few months together as a class, due to these present circumstances. I’m saddened by the experiences that have been altered and removed from our senior experience, but I’m equally enlightened by the unity that our school system and class has shown throughout the last four years.

High school is unavoidable, unevadable, and sometimes absolutely miserable. Four years ago, I was terribly afraid to begin my high school experience. I expected the worst of every scenario. The adjustment into high school was difficult; We were ants. What I didn’t expect at all, was the best part of high school: the community. Throughout stages of bullying, feeling lost, depression, indecision, difficulties at home, and more, there was always someone beside me who had experienced the same thing before, was experiencing it with me, and who helped me through it simply by being kind. 

There’s no doubt that collectively, we have all been through hell as well as put others through hell. We had the power to make our high school experience for better or worse. Some experiences were different than others, but as we grew together, we learned from one another. We have all become more tolerant, thankful, respectful, responsible, and kind, young adults. At this moment, I want to thank everyone, students, parents, faculty, and mentors alike, for showing kindness. 

I am grateful for my friends, for reaching out and showing kindness to someone who might not be the easiest to talk to. I’m grateful for my peers that may not consider me a friend, but are tolerant of my presence and kind in passing. I am grateful for the teachers and mentors who have not only helped me throughout my studies, but encouraged me throughout the challenges in their classes. I am grateful for my family, supporters, and the faculty that have supported me and shown nothing but kindness throughout this journey. Thank you all.

Lastly, I wanted to thank those of you that, while I’m speaking, are reflecting on your past actions, such as I have while writing this speech. If you were ever unkind, but have found your peace and joined the path to kindness, thank you. If I ever lacked kindness, I thank those of you affected by it for your forgiveness. 

We have truly been through the impossible together, and I can honestly say, that it was the kindness and encouragement surrounding me that gave me the ability to get through this and graduate. Class of 2020, we are strong, but most importantly, we are kind. Thank you for everything, and good luck on your journey onwards.

Photo by clevercupcakes on / CC BY-NC-ND


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