TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Lakes and my Brother Do Not Mix

A few years ago my brother almost drowned at a lakeside party. While we do fight a lot as most siblings do, my brother and I help each other when it is needed. That is why this story happened the way it did. My brother and I played lacrosse for about five years. While we were never on the same team due to an age difference we would go to each other’s games. We would also go to the team celebrations at the end of the year together. This particular celebration where the story takes place was at a lake.

I do not remember which lake in particular but I do remember that the party was a nice barbecue type thing. Obviously being next to a lake all the kids were in the water having fun. They even had a floating dock that we played games like king of the hill on. At the time I was a decent swimmer and was enjoying the floating dock a lot. Meanwhile, my brother who was still on the shore got bored and decided to try and swim out to the dock. The only problem with this is that he could not swim. He made it a decent way before he got tired and was unable to make it any farther. I, still on the dock, started to hear cries for help. Looking over I saw my brother, or rather his forehead, as his head was already underwater. Thinking quickly I jumped in and brought him above the water. I told him to focus on keeping himself above the water while I started to push him back to the shore. Soon we were both back on dry land and my brother decided to practice his swimming in the future so I would not have to drag him out of a lake again.

While it may not be as exciting of a story my brother has helped me as well. He works out regularly and has helped me a lot to achieve my fitness goals. A while back I was dealing with some personal problems and I lost track of my weight. Before I knew it I had gained a lot of weight in fat rather than the muscle mass I was working for. Since then my brother has helped me to stay motivated and shows me exercises that have helped him.

In our own ways, we helped each other to live our lives. I saved him from drowning and he helps me to live a healthy life. Even if we fight a lot we both know that we are friends and we will always be there to help each other out.

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