TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Fresh Start

We made it! To think that high school wasn’t going to fly by. I look back to all the times my family said that it would go by so briskly and what do I know, it did. I am so surprised at how fast it went by. I remember the first day of high school like it was yesterday. The class of twenty-twenty were the only ones there because we got the first day to ourselves. I walked into the school nervous to see my friends. I saw my friends and sat next to them while we talked about what was to come. I remember saying to myself “wow I’m a high schooler”. Thinking back to those words is crazy because I’m graduating. Like I said before, time has passed. I’ve learned so much in highschool. Well, actually, we all have learned something. I mean, it’s not like we have been here for four years or anything. But through these four years I know I’ve learned something and that is to never give up. 

High school can be fun but it can also be stressful at some times. The beginning of my failure stages began when I failed my first class sophomore year. It only got worse Junior year failing four classes; meaning if I wanted to graduate I would need to make these up.  So with people up my ass and summer school, they helped push to get all my credits back. This year thinking I still needed an English credit, I took a recovery class called Screenwriting and passed. I then found out that I had already completed making up my English credit during summer school. So that means I learned how to make a movie and I got an extra credit without even knowing it. I never thought I would graduate, but I never gave up. I told myself every year that I would fail because I got into two accidents, got kicked out of my house for five months, and all hope was lost. The outcome was the total opposite because I decided to hop back on the rule train of life. I wanted a fresh start. I got good grades again making the honor roll. I started working out everyday and learning new flips. I had finally got in the right mind set again. 

Once I got back on the right track. I started to hangout with friends again and have fun without making any of my past mistakes. I remember sitting at a lunch table and launching carrots up in the air and hitting a kid right in the head. As soon as I did that the person looked around while I casually talked to my friends. High school had been so fun. Flips were my favorite part of high school making everyone’s day by showing off my skills, but I didn’t learn these skills in a day. It took months. Just like anything, you need practice and to never give up; and that’s what I did I never gave up. Me and my friend Auborn during lunch everyday would practice flipping in the gym. We did this for a long time until we mastered the backflip. I remember practicing for the spring fling dance and everyone cheering our class on because of our flips. I think that was my best memory of highschool.  I am sad to say that I did want to go to prom but this Covid-19 ruined that. I had never been to prom, I didn’t want to go my Junior year because I didn’t want to spend my money. Prom would have been so fun because I was really looking forward to going. Me and friends would hang out after prom and stay up until two in the morning. I don’t know if I will ever experience prom but at least I can still hangout with all of my friends. 

My years in high school have been filled with amazing memories. I have been very lucky to make so many friends throughout the years. I just want to say more importantly to never give up even when the worst is yet to come. The class of 2020, it’s time to go out and become who you want to be. Go after that college education, get a job, get your own place. Live life to the fullest. Never give up and become the person you want to be. Thank you.

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