TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

High School At It’s Finest

What can I say about high school? It is definitely a most memorable experience, and everyone has different experiences with it. In four years a lot of things can happen, I can most certainly say I had a sort of positive and memorable 2 years that I can recall. My Freshman and Sophomore year I can say I don’t really remember much. Most of it wasn’t that much of  a memorable experience, although I had many people come and go in my life during this time. There just wasn’t particularly anything important at this time to me that occurred. I missed many days in these two years, not on the account that I was sick, just because “I still wanted to be a kid” and didn’t want to show up. It wasn’t until Junior and Senior year when I can say I truly found myself as an individual, I realized self importance, found the right people who I can keep close who understand me, I found love, but the most important is that I found myself as an individual and realized who I wanted to be. Although all of this didn’t occur until Senior year. Junior year was the year I barely broke the surface of finding myself and realizing what was truly important. This lesson throughout high school is that it’ll teach me who I want and strive to be. 

Another lesson I learned throughout high school was something I learned from playing football. The concept of as soon as you gain something, it can just as easily be stripped away from you. Much like yard gains or 1st downs, one wrong turn or mistake can ruin an entire gain much like life with certain chances or options one may receive. A situation like this really occurred that will always be a remembrance in my life, and was a negative aspect, but was focused around a positive impact when my coach passed away. Something that could happen so suddenly was something certainly very upsetting to find out, but I know my coach would be proud to have seen all of us growing up and the people we have and will become, an important figure in my life who will remain forever. 

An addition to what I learned in high school that was a complicated negative, positive, intended, and unintended lesson was love. A complex emotion an individual may feel sometimes or may not. It’s an emotion that can be temporary, and permanent. It’s something that can heal and hurt. Love is something that can make you lose yourself in another, or love yourself and lose another. What is most important about love is that one needs to learn to love yourself before you can love another, that is what is most important. 

The second to last most important lesson I learned from high school was the idea of friendship. Figuring out individuals who are actually important in your life, those who want to see you succeed, and those who want to see you feel. Individuals who want to bring negativity into someone else’s life are either jealous, or come from their own insecurities. It’s important to keep individuals in your life who want to bring the best to and for you, or ones that will always have your back. The most important part of this is the idea that when it comes to friends many rely too much on their friends, it’s okay from time to time but after a while that feeling of relying on one another can cripple you because just the same those people can leave in an instant. Like carrying a backpack full of bricks, if you have others there to help it’ll be lighter, but as soon as they leave you could fall. It’s important to be independent and to rely on yourself sometimes. There’s a difference between being overly modest and being accepting of this help.

The final lesson I learned in high school can and will be one of the most important times of your life, it is truly what you make it. One can only have a positive experience if they make it and only focus on what makes them happy and positive. And if one hangs their head too long over negative aspects and negative vibes then that’s what high school will bring you. This is something that will exactly follow with life. Coming into high school I was a 5’8, silly, loud, curly haired kid. Leaving high school I turned into a 6’0, curly haired, goofy, keep to myself kind of kid. Not because I kept to myself was I quiet but for the fact I knew when to keep my mouth shut and when it was a good time and necessary to care. It was that I stopped caring so much about what was going on in everyone else’s life and that I focused on what was necessary in my life. All around me I saw other people were finding jobs and buying their own cars. With this I eventually stopped worrying about it and allowed for it to gradually come to me where I could make my own money, and although I haven’t bought my own car yet within the next year I will be.

High school began with me coming in as a silly curly haired kid, leaving a responsible, smart, young adult. High school is truly something that can decide who you are and truly is what you make of it. Everything they say about high school is true, the experiences you will have, the people you will meet. I’ll definitely say the one take away everyone should receive from this is that, participate in everything you can, school sports, events, and class activities. Before it ends up being too late and those four years, truly fly by. 

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