TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Always Strive for More

Hello students and faculty of Oak Hill Highschool. I think it is safe to say that for many of us this year did not feel like a senior year. Nonetheless, time keeps on ticking and we must graduate and move on with our lives under these odd circumstances. Whether you have plans to go on to higher education or just do not know what you want to do, I wish you well in your future endeavors. I can not speak for anyone but myself; this is why I am just going to speak about my experience with public education.

Overall, the public school system for me can be summed up in one word: boring. Not necessarily hard, more like throwing meat at a wall. Some of it sticks but most will just fall to the floor making a mess. With every assignment you are not guaranteed new understanding of a subject. Most often you just complete it, get it out of the way, and move on. Never actually having to understand or retain the information on the topic. That is my main problem with public school education, so much of it feels like wasted potential. That isn’t to say that I haven’t learned anything from public school. On the contrary, my math skills are better, I know new facts about history, and I dare say my writing skills have gotten better. I just feel like I could have learned more.

There were plenty of good things about public school as well, mainly all the unique individuals I have met over my scholarly journey. Each person has countless unique ideas and thoughts that I find fascinating to discuss. Honestly, I love to talk but just listening is even better. This is the best thing about school. Being exposed to so many different opinions on various topics allows you to form your own complex ideologies. Keeping an open mind and allowing yourself to analyze opinions different from your own is an important part of becoming your own person.

In the end, I feel like that’s what high school is, an opportunity to grow into our own person. Over the past few years, I have had a wonderful experience growing into the person I am today while watching my peers grow with me. Even if you think you’re not smart, ask yourself, “Do I think for myself.” If you can say yes then who cares about being smart, you are intelligent. Parrots repeat, humans think. Have conversations, make your own conclusions, and never stop questioning your ideals.

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