TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Tolerant Girl

Having an allowance is any kids dream; it allows them to think they are cool and can spend their own money on anything they want. When I was thirteen, I saved up 200 dollars from doing chores to babysitting the neighbor’s dog. Black Friday was coming closer and the one thing I wanted to get was a flat screen TV. My mom said to me that Black Friday is not for kids: since it is late at night and the lines are outrageous. However, I did not care because I just wanted to get a TV. Looking back at that night, I realized that being a patient person is not having the potential of being tolerant of something; but the potential of being positive while waiting for something.

It was Thanksgiving Day and I was super excited; it was finally time for me to get my TV. Prior to leaving my mom had me take a two- hour nap; that way I wasn’t tired while shopping. My mom woke me up around 11 o’ clock and we were finally able to leave! We hit a few stores before but when 3 am struck; it was finally time to go into Best Buy. After finding a parking spot, we were finally able to enter the store. There was a huge sign that pointed to the TV’s- I ran quickly and grabbed one off the shelf. After browsing around the store for a little bit, it was time to checkout; I had no idea what I was getting myself into. There was a huge line wrapped around the store twice, and I had to find the end of the line; just to be able to purchase my TV.

My mom had left me to go grab another play station for my brother… So it was just me in line. While standing in line, people kept cutting out front of me… Probably cause I was a little kid. At this point, my mom had been away from me for over 20 minutes and I was starting to get tired and lonely. Just as I was about to close my eyes… An old woman had grabbed my TV out of my cart! I was frantically trying to say something to her but I was too nervous to talk. Everyone around me was not paying attention so no one saw it happen. Finally, my mom came back and she saw tears running down my face.

After I told her what happened, she left again to go grab another TV. Within two minutes she came back and told me there were no more. At that point I was too tired to try and find another one so we just stood there quietly. It was finally my turn too checkout and I ended up leaving with nothing I intentionally went there for. We walked through the gigantic parking lot and got back into the car; I buckled into my seat and went straight to bed.

Days passed and I still did not get to buy myself a TV. One night when I returned back from school I went into my room and saw a huge flat screen TV! My mom felt bad that I wasn’t able to get one during Black Friday; so instead, she went out and purchased one herself. Although I did not get myself a TV during the Black Friday sale; I realized that being patient with no anger results in something good.

“Best Buy #281 – The Night Before ‘Black Friday'” by Croixboy is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


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