TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A very BIG mistake

Growing up I have always had an attitude and thought that I was too cool for everything and everyone. I had a lot of close friends my sophomore year of high school and they all had the same attitude too. It was just another day at school and doing what I always did, meeting up with my friends in the bathroom. One of my friends had something with them, but I didn’t think about what was going to happen next. We ended up splitting it and eating it in the bathroom, little did I know that this was going to be the worst thing I have EVER done.

After I ate it the bell had rung so I went to my English class that I had first period. It took about a half hour to really hit me. Once it hit me this was when I knew it was the biggest mistake that I have made. I was sitting next to one of my best friends that had also participated, at first we were just laughing and being obnoxious. The teacher had to separate us from each other but we just continued laughing from across the room. After I calmed down a little bit I asked to go to the bathroom but the teacher said I had to wait. Me being the way I was, I walked out of the room and went to the bathroom anyway. I went to the bathroom and went into a full on panic attack. I was texting my friends while being on the ground not knowing what to do because my body wasn’t feeling the same obviously. I went and got my friend out of class who provided it and told her I didn’t know what was happening to my body. We went to the bathroom and got followed by the principal, we kept walking after being told to stop but I wasn’t feeling the greatest feeling like I was going to throw up. I never did but I sure felt like I was going too. I ended up going to the nurse and I ended up telling her what I did because I didn’t know what to do in the moment. Rumors went around at the time saying I “passed out” “Had a seizure” “going to the hospital” when none of this happened and they were all just rumors. I had to talk to the principle and made up a story because I was not throwing my best friend under the bus. They called my mom and she was NOT HAPPY! She was very disappointed in me and I got grounded for two months along with my phone being taken and not being able to drive to get hours for having my permit. I couldn’t text anybody and let them know how I was doing because I didn’t have my phone. I had a texting app on my laptop but my parents found out about that too. My mom showed up to school to get me and I went home and took a nap. When I got woke up I got sent to my dads for the week because I ended up getting suspended for seven days and it was the slowest seven days of my life not being able to go to school, see my friends or boyfriend at the time and nobody knowing the true story. This was probably the worst mistake I’ve made in my whole life…so far anyways and I will not do it again.

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