TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Good View of Character

What is a digital footprint, and why should I care? That may be a question that you would ask someone that was trying to introduce the concept of a digital footprint to you. Well a digital footprint is the trail of things you do on the internet that follow your name, things like facebook posts and tweets on twitter are an example of things that would follow you. The goal of a digital footprint is to try and show people the type of person you are. Your digital footprint can change your life and here’s why.

Why is a digital footprint important, because it follows you through your life and everyhting you post on the internet is connected to it. In a quote from the article The power of a positive digital footprint for students by Jalger it says, “It makes sense that people should be promoting their brand (name) in a positive light.”. This quote demonstrates and shows how people want to show off their name on the internet, by putting your name in a positive light it lets people know what you are like and shows them that you are a positive acting person and encourage others to be positive and be honest. If you promote a positive Digital Footprint it will make employers more prone to hire you. By not having a positive Digital Footprint it could cost you a job.

How do I improve my Digital Footprint? Well, that would be by attaching your name to positive things such as a blog or a press release. By connecting your name to something talks about a serious topic and shows how you feel about that topic it can show the employer how you look into to certain situations, in a quote in the 25 day blog it says, “It’s set in stone inside our minds” this was a quote in a blog about the infamous r word. By saying it is set in stone it realtes the word to something that could never be removed. This quote relates to digital footprint because when you show that you can connect things that are negative such as the word retard to a blog you publish showing that you think we need to stop the use of the word. This shows employers how you feel about an issue that seems like it will never go away.

Overall Digital Footprints are very important. You should take the tips here and try to improve your own, by either writing a blog and posting twice a week, just by writing in a blog it can drastically improve your digital footprint by putting the attention around your name onto something that is productive and promotes positivity.

Featured Image – “Digital Footprint Word Cloud” by penbentley is liscened under CC BY-NC-SA-2.0


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