TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My Lack of Patience

Why did I struggle so much with having patience and why is it so important? I live in Maine as everyone knows and I spent a good amount of my time here living in Lisbon. I went to a decent sized school with friends who I deeply adored. In this story, I am going to tell you about the time I had to learn about the importance of patience. I go in depth about how I spent several years trying to accomplish a goal of mine. During those two years, I struggled immensely with being patient. I have always had a hard time with having patience but in this story I will show you how I overcame my weaknesses. In order to overcome that, you have to be able to allow yourself room to grow.

I didn’t have patience for the longest time until I finally took the time to understand it. I always thought that it was a bad thing to have to wait. I am going to give an instance where I felt like I was being patient, but I really wasn’t. If I have learned anything about myself it that I am simply just not a patient person. I will say though that I have gotten better through the years. I never realized how patience could help me in the long run. If you ever decide to try something new, I highly suggest trying to be more patient. It’s a hard thing to achieve but I personally believe that everything will come together at the right time. It’s up to you on whether or not you want to embark on finding your own form of patience. Who knows maybe you can be able to do something out of the ordinary? Anything is possible as long as you stay calm and just remember that having patience is important

A time in my life that I needed to have patience was getting my permit. I wanted to drive so badly. I remember first talking with my parents about doing Driver’s Ed when I first turned 15. I begged them to let me do it and they told me that I had to wait till I was 16 in order for them to let me. I was told that I was just simply not mature enough yet. It killed me on the inside because I didn’t want to wait. I spent all year waiting for the time to fly by. It was hard for me to wait because it was something I was extremely excited about.

By the time I turned 16, I finally decided to try and ask them again. I mentioned to my parents how they had previously promised me that they would pay for and enroll me in Drivers Ed. They told me that they still didn’t find it fitting for me to do it. They got my hopes up and it honestly upset me. I didn’t want to spend another year waiting to finally do Driver’s Ed. All of my friends had their permits and or licenses by now. It made me feel like my parents didn’t care about me. I decided that I would try and find a job to make time go by faster. They told me I had to wait to get a job as well. In early February of last year, I finally got my first job at Wendy’s in Topsham. It wasn’t the most exciting job but it was all that I could find that was hiring. I realized that my parents knew I was starting to grow up but didn’t think I was ready enough to finally be enrolled.

My parents kept telling me that they would pay for my Driver’s Ed when I turned 17 and that I don’t have to worry about coming up with the money. I decided that patience was what I needed. If I gave up on being patient, I wouldn’t have understood the importance of self-appreciation. I needed to just be calm and that everything would eventually fall in place. It became early March and a national pandemic struck. I was certain that this would make it so I would have to wait a little longer than expected. I wasn’t happy because I was about to be 17 in two months and everything was shutting down. I was disappointed because I spent all this time waiting to take Driver’s Ed. Before I turned 17, I came to the understanding that Driver’s Ed was starting to seem like it wasn’t an option. I spent so many years trying to convince my parents that it was the right thing for me, but I didn’t get very far. They told me no so many times and that I wasn’t mature enough. I began to think that it was pointless to keep trying to convince my parents to let me take it. After I turned 17, I decided to have a talk with my parents about Driver’s Ed again. I begged them to let me do it since they had made me wait for so long and gave me all these false promises. They explained to me that they simply were never going to pay for it. I was filled with disappointment and rage because I couldn’t do something I waited so long for. This really ruined everything for me. I was hopeless and assumed that Driver’s Ed was out of reach for me. I was working a job but wasn’t making a great income. I waited several more months and saved as much as I could. In early January, I decided that it was time for me to pay for my own driver’s ed. I wasn’t sure if I was ready or if I would even be able to retain the information given. Little did I know that it would lead to me getting my permit and being able to drive. Overall, I am so thankful for this journey and how having patience has changed me for the better.

In Conclusion, spending that amount of time trying to get enrolled into Driver’s Ed taught me why I needed to have patience. All that time, I was being so naive. I was so caught up with waiting for them to do something I wanted. I know most parents would want to pay for their kid’s Drivers Ed, but mine simply wanted me to take a different route. A route that would make me truly understand what I was truly waiting for. I was waiting for not just to take Drivers Ed, but waiting for my inner self to realize what I had in that point of time. Although I didn’t get the luxury of having it paid for, I gained a sense of patience. I waited two years so I could say that I paid for my own Drivers Ed. I feel like I have accomplished a lot. I learned a lot about myself during that waiting period. I learned to have faith in myself and to never rely on others. If I truly want something, I have to be patient and let it play out for the better.

“Take the time…” by stacypelzl is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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