TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Kids have a hard time being patient

Do I wait or do I just open them up, it was December 24, 2010, Hi I’m Cole I am 8 years old I’m from the USA, and in my pajamas laying in bed, tossing and turning because Christmas is tomorrow. Once upon a time as my parents were asleep one snores and one tosses and turns, I think to myself I should just wait, but I don’t that gives me time to see if the presents are under the Christmas tree and you bet I’m going to try to look at the presents. everyone else fasts asleep you can only hear the heater in my room because everyone has the patience. I hope I won’t get caught.

I woke up in the middle of the night, tired yet wide awake and ready to see the presents but I wasn’t supposed to be going downstairs due to it being so late at night to see if there are presents, so I made my way down the stairs they were more creaky than usual I tiptoed through the kitchen trying to walk in the shadows. Yet it seemed as if the reflections are my parents, I once again thought this was a bad idea and should wait, The shadows were of the Christmas decorations that were reaching out to me to expose me.

My curiosity growing more with each step through the dark light kitchen I thought to myself I should have a wait, as I walk through the living room I see there is a present in the living room Santa came, but would my Mom and Dad catch me peeking I thought? There were presents waiting for me a silent sigh of relief as I lowered my shoulders. I got caught a few seconds later do to the walking around they must have heard, I thought but at least I know now. My Mom and Dad caught me then brought me back upstairs they said to me “have patience go back to bed because Santa won’t come unless you’re asleep”.

At the end of it all, I laid in bed thinking maybe if I was more patient it would have come more quickly, I would not have been caught peeking at the presents and lost my TV for the night, now laying here in bed. going to bed now I thought I have learned my lesson of patients I eventually, fell asleep woke up in the morning to presents under the tree because I went to bed and had patience.

“Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience” by Kitty Terwolbeck is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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