TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Main Attraction

I was in my sixth grade English class. Mr. Piper was about to announce who got the lead role in a play about a werewolf. Students I wasn’t paying attention to the roles and new cast members of the play. When he announced the lead cast member my head shot up, it was the role I auditioned for. This wasn’t the first play I auditioned for.

The first elementary play was Romeo and Juliet. I wanted to be Romeo. I knew that if I got the part of Romeo, I could be very successful in acting. However, I wasn’t the only student looking forward to the role of Romeo, my acting arch nemesis Wahbo was interested too. Wahbo and I were great friends, but we rivaled over the casting of plays. Of course we both did really well when auditioning but he got the part in the end. I looked over at Wahbo and nodded in his direction, I was proud of him for accomplishing something that many others couldn’t do. We shook each other’s hand and maintained respect for one another.

The next four tryouts had the same results. Mr. Piper said I was talented but I guess not enough. I felt like I was better though. Mr. Piper wasn’t being fair to me, but I didn’t give up. I knew my time was coming. There were a few more plays The werewolf play tryouts were different from all of the other plays. I was the most motivated for this role.

Mr. Piper entered our classroom to announce some news. “The lead male role is…Branden.” I was so excited to finally get recognized. I looked over at Wahbo and I stuck my tongue out in a way of teasing, then I brought my expression to a friendly smile. Wahbo returned the smile. I got the actor award at the end of the year as well. I was grateful for never giving up and continuing to reach my goals.

This story is an example of the importance of patience. If I had never been persistent and continued to tryout for each play then I might not have gotten the opportunities I did. I learned to give things time and that eventually you will get noticed if you believe you have what is takes.

“werewolf” by malik.harem is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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