TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Virtue of Patience

Patience is the value of knowing when to pick and choose your battles. It helps define how you are seen by others, and the way you portray yourself in everyday life. It comes from keeping calm in most circumstances, and knowing how to redirect things when times get tough, or chaotic. When people are having a bad day, or are not feeling like themselves, it can be good to have patience in order to not only help your self, but helps others out throughout the day. Situations where patience is most needed, is when people get frustrated, confused, or start to lose their cool because of what the focus is on at the given time.

The person I am going to explain about patience, is a kind one, who takes in to account every possible situation, and helps try to diffuse any hostile ones. Patience is needed everywhere. No matter who you are with, or if you are just by yourself. Everybody needs to understand that people have bad days, and knowing that, need to be understanding of what others could be going through. Having patience is a great personality trait, and comes in handy in a lot of ways. It can be super helpful to have patience when working with things that can get annoying, or people for that matter. Patience is like having that “calm in the storm” feeling. It’s about knowing who needs you, and when you need yourself. It helps when someone isn’t understanding something, like schoolwork, for example, and they just need a calm body to help them along.

I know of one person in particular that is extremely patient when it comes to almost everything. He restrains himself from speaking immediately when things are bothering him so that he does not lash out, and makes sure to take a step back and think over the circumstance. He always bites his tongue, and never hurts anybody’s feelings. He knows how to handle chaotic situations well, and helps diffuse those kinds of situations easily. He’s as patient as an ox, and never raises his voice to people, much less yells at them. He has never made someone feel bad if they don’t understand work, or whatever they are doing he is willing to help them at any extent. He makes sure to include everybody that would need help, and just someone there to talk to. He lets people know what he thinks would be the best for them in the situation at hand, and allows them to try and create their “own kind of patience”. He makes sure to always consider everybody else’s feelings, and what might be happening in the instance that is in at the moment. He values that patience is one of his greatest qualities, and it’s true.

“A little kindness goes a long way” by Ed Yourdon is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

I can honestly say I really in my whole 18 years of being on this planet, I have never seen someone with the patient mind set he has. For quite a while, I honestly didn’t think of patience as a “virtue”, like many people say it is. However, I have come to see and learn that it really is what people say it is. It is face value and is there to help many people overcome situations they feel like they might be stuck in. This has made me realize that I need to show more patience in my everyday life. I have come to see that many people also have the same issue(s) that I have when it comes to showing patience for those who need it. I have also realized that many people need patience, and in order to possibly help them achieve that, I first need to learn it myself. It has shown me how impatient of a person I can be, and how I need to help change myself before I can help others in their struggles.

As of lately, I realize that the more I am around him, I have come to see how impatient I actually am. I have never really seen myself as a patient person anyway, but being around him has shown me that I am most definitely not one. Although I have many different kinds of “patience” in my life, the kind he shows is what I believe to be the actual definition of “patience”. I hope to learn how to become more patient myself over the course of time, and hope to learn to pick and choose my battles wisely. Patience is something I have wanted to achieve for a while, I have just never really known how to do it on my own. I know I will eventually become a more patient person with time and help, but until then, I’ll just have to make do with the patience I possess.

“PATIENCE” by gemb1 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
“patience” by gato-gato-gato is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

“Patience” by jerseytom55 is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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